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hello all

Will appreciate some help: Currently I have a Synapse 100w 24v pure sine inverter (3pin plug into wall plug)  with 2 deep cycle batteries in my garage to power

cameras, DVR, screen, alarm, garage motor, electric fence , uses much less than 300w (ave <150w unless TV screen and garage motor runs).

The problem is that we sometimes are out 24H+ (last month 36-48 hours here in our street in Joz, old infrastructure which has not been fixed)  and then batteries run down, inverter kicks out  and all fall over.

so the solutions I am thinking off:

Replace inverter with small solar inverter same size or bit bigger, 2-4 solar panels to recharge, use existing batteries until they die (seems healthy still) then replace with 2  small lithium batteries like Hubble.

Problem is that there seems only modified sine small plug and play solar inverters (Mecer IVR 2400 MPPT, Must PV11000+ ). To date I thought better to use pure sine, but then what product? Or should I install bigger inverter and power from DB (another expense sigh:)); and then it seems system specs and costs just grows....

On top of this my doomsday solution is to get a small inverter gennie if the sun does not shine enough or we are out for days, from this I can recharge the batteries, repower fridge , chrge phones/ back up lights, even in relays based on usage factors , during day time so not to cause noise polution?

Will appreciate feedback re all this,

can also phone me on oh834538293 if easier



How long do the essentials (cameras, DVR, screen, alarm, garage motor, electric fence) last powered from the batteries?

You could add 2X 300W panels on the roof and a cheap PWM charger to keep the batteries charged. They will even charge when it is cloudy. That should keep them alive during the day


Thank you

It lasts 12-24 hours depends on load.

How will the PWM charger integrate with the current inverter or a new solar controller/ inverter? Shows my ignorance !


Posted (edited)

Forgot to mention that your Panel must produce at least 29V (Normal operating conditions) for the PWM to do its job. 

Solar panel connects to PWM 24V Charger input... The battery output goes to the battery.

Setup the bulk absorption to 28.8V and float to 27.4V  (double check those on the battery specsheet)

The inverter does not care as long as there is voltage, the PWM charger does not care as long as there is a battery and sun. 

If power falls away then the battery will last a lot longer as the sun will keep it charged.



Edited by iiznh

No need to replace a pure sine with any of the cheaper modified sine inverters. As was suggested get some panels and a controller to keep batteries charged during day time. Charging from grid is perhaps the cheaper option specifically if you have a stable grid without long outages.

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