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I would like to knkw is there a setting I can change or do anything to thisninverter for it to use the batteries as last priority instead of the 3 Settings you can use it as is 


I want to use my Solar to supply the house and charge my batteries at the same time and if there is inadequet solar charg my batteries from the grid but I don't want to use my batteries at all just during loadshedding


Setting number 1 set to USB... Setting number 11 set to 20A or more... Setting number 16 SNU...

The explanation is the following: setting 1 is the mode priority setting. The first 2 will be used and the last one as the standby. U= Utility, S= Solar and B= Battery 

Setting 11 is max utility charging Amps. 

Setting 16 is charging source. SNU means solar and utility simultaneously. So on a bad weather cloudy day, you will want setting 11 quite high to charge your battery from the Grid. 



It seems my inverter doesn't have USB in setting 1 only Uti, SOL, Sbu. Do I need to update my firmware or is there something else I could do?

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