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Good day 

I have a 500KW system (5 x Sungrow 110KW) with 77 Strings of (7.1KW each).

Inv 1, 2, 3 and 5 are working well and are connected respectively to strings 1-15, 16-30, 31-45, 62-77. Inv 4 is not giving any output due to Low Insulation Resistance error and is connected to strings 46-61.

The strings connected to Inv 1,2,3 and 5 measure 730V between Terminals and half of that between each terminal and ground.

The strings connected to Inv 4 measure 730V between Terminals and the same between each terminal and ground. This is where I believe the problem is. 

Has anybody ever encountered this type of problems and whats the best way to fix it.

Thank you

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