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Voltage between Earth and neutral on Lux Power SNA5000 WPV inverter load (97V)


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Good Morning

My installation has two Lux Power SNA5000 WPV working independently, they share a mains incoming breaker and the neutral and earth is bonded at the input supply. They each have a separate string of panels connected and a separate 50AH Shoto battery. So other than the supply there is no other common point between the two.

The outputs are wired completely separately and each has its own neutral bar on the load side. The problem that I am experiencing is on one of the inverters I am getting 97 volts between neutral and earth the other on is 0 volts as is expected.

Is this a problem with the one inverter or is there something else that needs to be done to rectify the problem?



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59 minutes ago, keithh said:

, they share a mains incoming breaker and the neutral and earth is bonded at the input supply.

@keithhDo you have a permanent bond on the input side of your inverters? If that is the case then your bonding is incorrect. Both inverters needs to be bonded on the output side of the inverters using contactor or 20 amp relay. The bond must also not be permanent in islanding mode it must be bonded if Eskom power returns after inverter has synchronized with mains the bond needs to be broken. The installer needs to attend to this.

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There are two aspects to this.

A normally open contactor/relay should be installed such that when eskom power dies (input to inverter), the contacts connect (output of inverter) earth and neutral. Now you have a local power plant earth/neutral bond which is a requirement. It MUST be temporary, because when eskom plant comes back online, then you must use their earth neutral bond (Always use the bond closest to the power plant (Power source) that you are using. You are not allowed to have two permanent earth neutral bonds in a system.

However, if eskom is available, and your battery is in island mode (Working off battery or solar) then the contactor/relay remains open because eskom is available, and you still have no earth-neutral bond. To fix this, ensure that your inverter is in "Hybrid mode", this keeps the AC Input active/connected even when using solar/battery and hence, the bond before your inverter is still in play.

I had an electrician sign off a C.O.C BEFORE this was done! No Bond and NO earth leakage, yet they signed off. Crazy

I forced them to come back and solve as per above.


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