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LuxPower SNA5000 + 3x Hubble AM2 (16.5KWh) Backup

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So, unfortunately, I stay in a unit that doesn't allow for any panels nor do I have any space to sneak some in the yard so I'm not really taking away the pain in some sense but doing what I can so long to ensure I am comfortable till we move. My initial setup was mounted in a hurry, going for the get it up and worry later part (below). I recently however when mounting the 3rd Battery decided to clean up the setup a bit, move it deeper behind the front door, remove the plank and neaten it up slightly. Added an ABI geyser switch to monitor to help easily reduce the load during times of strain at our power station plus monitor our consumption, we currently are just left without the geyser and over during the sheds so as cozy as I can be at the moment with this. A fresh coat of paint is still a WIP but the existing holes show exactly how much it was shifted up which makes our entrance feel great.

Old Installation: 


New Installation (Battery has space to vent on the left,looks far closer than assumed. 



Edited by Soprono
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Hi, How long have you been using tje luxpower inverter? And how is your experience thus far?







































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