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Fivestar 5kva inverter firmware


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Hi all 

details for inverter are on the attached image.

so i have a fivestar 5kva 5000watt imverter and the firmware is now ultimately messing around i have tested everything and its all working however the settings do not save, shows a small load without anything connected to it.

so i took the inverter in for a pro to check it and was told that when measured the id definitely no load showing and i must ignore what watchpower shows and what the lcd shows but i want to flash the firmware to see if thats the issue.

this will bug me till the day either i die or the inverter dies.


also is this a clone or original?


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1 hour ago, RiPMonsteR said:

i want to flash the firmware to see if that's the issue.

What is the present firmware version?

1 hour ago, RiPMonsteR said:

also is this a clone or original?

Rumour has it that this is the unofficial night shift, i.e. employees working at night using the boss' equipment. I find that hard to believe, but the rumours persist (and not just about Voltronic of course).

If so, the employees presumably have access to the latest firmware and so on. Although it's possible that some calibration and compiling firmware etc is performed by someone higher up the chain of authority that isn't part of the night shift.

And of course, it's probably just rumour.

I note that the 16 digit serial number is not standard for Voltronic models, though it's possible that some special resellers get special serial numbers.

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