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Goodwe inverter automatic upload to PVOutput


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I would like to automate the upload from my Goodwe 5048 ES GTI to the PVOutput.org website (I am doing it manually at the moment). I found this on GitHub https://github.com/markruys/gw2pvo  I have only a very basic understanding of programming and do not fully understand how to implement this. Can someone please explain in simple language what I have to do, like required software/hardware etc. The inverter is linked to the Goodwe portal.


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21 hours ago, Fuenkli said:

Can someone please explain in simple language what I have to do, like required software/hardware

Well, you're going to need something that can run python3. It runs on both Linux and Windows, so here you can choose whatever you feel comfortable in. This will also mandate the hardware. Personally I'd use a Raspberry Pi and run Raspbian on it. There are numerous sources on how to install software on debian based distributions (of which raspbian is one, hint: use apt-get), and what you'd need is "python3" and "python3-pip". With that installed, the README in that project becomes sufficient to get it going.

I'm being a bit vague as I really really don't want to get into a "help me learn Linux" role here :-)

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