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Minimum Input voltage for Infini 3kw plus


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Hello Everyone,

I have installed infini 3kw plus, i try to testing with input 119V voltage from solar and connected to battery NS 190Ah, 48V, no connected into grid

but LCD display show me solar panel image flashing everytime and cannot charge the battery, regarding the manual of Infini, voltage input from solar panel minimum 360V

and MPP voltage ranging from 250V-450V.


My Question is,

1. why the Solar panel image on LC is flashing everytyme and not to be charge the battery

2. is voltage input from solar follow the MPP voltage ranging or the start up voltage/initial feeding voltage (ranging from 116v-150V) to charge the battery



Thank You









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"try to testing with input 119V voltage from solar" 

MPP voltage ranging from 250V-450V.


> There is the issue if I understand you correctly.  Your PV input needs to be between 250V and 450V.

That is why the PV con is flashing.

How many panels do you have and what are their specs so we can help you further?



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Are they separated into strings?

I would string them all in series to make 10x 17.8V VMP and see if they produce...

I doubt it as they still won't get to the 250V min requirement for the Infini.  BUT - give it a try and maybe there is a little more extra room given the VOC of 21.8V.  You actualy need a minimum of 15x 100W (17.8VMP) panels to get the Infini really producing.



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But there is also the 360V minimum PV voltage, before it will tolerate and boost from 250 V. So I think you need to find a higher voltage source to test with. 

I think the idea is that in the morning, the sun is quite weak, so it's not worth trying to use it till it gets to a middling 360 V, else the voltage will collapse and things will just be chaotic. Later in the day, with warm panels, 250 V likely means a bit of temporary shade, and won't collapse nearly as quickly as 360 V just after sunrise. But it means it won't turn on with less than 360 V. My guess is that it won't even show the PV icon with less than 360V either. But once it's seen that 360 V for perhaps a few minutes, it will happily work with as low as 250 V. 

Edit : I don't have a high voltage MPPT, so this is just my theory. Perhaps others can confirm or deny my theory. It might be that the manual is saying you need a minimum of 360V nominal panels to fully utilise the MPPT range of 250-450 V.

Edit 2: and indeed my theory was wrong; see next few posts. I guess they are saying the maximum power point can be achieved with as little as 250 V, but less than optimal power can be made from panel voltages less than that. However, best performance will be obtained when the Vmp of the panels adds up to at least 360 V. 

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Had a look at my graphs (from ICC) and see when the voltage and amps start reacting on my system.  See below... no time to explain but here is the raw data ;)


Looks like a smooth ramp of Amps as soon as sun rose (07:17)... I had low load so may rerun this with a higher load tommorrow.  It looks like the Infini 3kw plus starts producing from PV very early (around 07:16:30/150V?))

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This is a screenshot from this morning. You can see the inverter detecting PV voltage as soon as it goes above 90V at 4:45 am. Sunrise time is 5:20 a.m. in my location. At 5:00 a.m. the PV voltage is well above 110V at this point the MPPT is working. But at this point it is barely generating any power. May be 50W max.



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Quick Update

  • Cloudy this AM but the graph below illustrates my Infini 3+ around sunrise... (3100W of PV 10x 310 is series)
  • I restarted ICC so the graph is a better scale.
  • My Infini reacted as expected.  
  • It ignored the Solarpower setting of MPPT on @ 120V and turned the MPPT on @ 150V as expected.
  • Lots of clouds so no real production at all until sun hit panels around 07:33.  Note the voltage jump!
  • Cloudy so PV output is very low.


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