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Sudden Temperature Drop


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Hi There, 

I am using a Greenrich UP5000 for nearly 2 years, and this past week I could hear the Sunsynk "beeping" in the night. Rush to the device to see no error or alert. 

Upon looking into logs and data - I can only see that at the times of the "beeping" the recorded temperature dropped to -100° (obviously not literally). Room temp about 12°

Anyone else see this, or experienced this? There was no change to current, SOC or voltage at these times... 




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I've seen -100° appear on the battery page when the BMS coms to the inverter are not present, in fact it's the way I use to check that the coms is working correctly. I suspect that for some reason you have maybe momentarily lost had an interruption or corruption of the data between BMS and inverter. I have no clue why your system would be fine for two years and run into this problem though. Maybe new equipment or old equipment failing nearby that produces interference? Or possibly an aged filter capacitor in the BMS or inverter coms circuits?

Edited by Shadders
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