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Battery Desulfators - do they work


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Seems a great way to increase battery life                                                                                                          post-21-0-17179000-1368465020_thumb.jpg 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@ Brits,

Moeilike vraag as mens nie regtig jou set-up ken nie.

Meeste Solar controllers het n "load" output, bat jou load sal afsit as die battery volts te laag val.

n Bi-Directional invertor sal ook oorskakel na Eiskom karg as battery volts te laag val.

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  • 1 month later...

Desulphators work well for batteries that have been standing unused. I have recovered a flooded lead acid battery that way that was dead and would not charge. They do it by pulsing the battery. It is a 48v (24x2v) 1000ah lead acid battery that I am using with my ups backup for my computer network. After recovery, the battery performs well and had no issues. A battery that is being cycled regularly and not stored discharged should not need to be desulphated

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