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PS 5kva delayed charge till 6pm for only 10mins


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Hi there guys we recently purchased a PS 5kva 48V invertor. We have 3x330W panels and 1x315 W. 

We have connected the panels in series then paralled them to the invertor. Our invertor isnt charging... Well till 6pm everyday then miraculously it starts charging but only for 10mins.

Please advice. 


Edited by Khumo
Ilustration of lcd panel that shows pv charging
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8 hours ago, Khumo said:

We have 3x330W panels and 1x315 W. 

We have connected the panels in series then paralled them to the invertor.

Four panels is way too much voltage for a 145 V max model (starts reducing power at 130 V), and way too small a voltage for a 450 V or 500 V max model.

I assume that you have a 145 V max model, for it to suddenly start working at 6pm. You'll have to rewire your panels as 2S2P, and hope that the voltage mismatch due to the one 315 W panel won't cause too much trouble. Definitely fuse each string for safety.

Actually, what you wrote might mean you have 2S2P now; are they all in series, or two strings paralleled?

What PV voltage does the inverter report during the day?

Hopefully your solar charge controller is not damaged.

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