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Is there anyone that has found out what the pinout are for the 8 pin RJ45 serial port on the powercube batteries H48050?
And as a follow up question... is there anyone that has tested if the Batteryview program is compatible with these batteries? (That was my idea to test when I had found the pinout...)

  • 1 month later...

I finally found out! There is 8 pin RJ45 marked rs232 on the BMS sc0500a-100s (I have 7 pylontech H48050 connected to the BMS). I connected a normal ethernet cable and wired:

* white green cable to pin 2 on the 9 pole dsub female
* green cable to pin 3 on the 9 pole dsub female
* brown cable to pin 5 on the 9 pole dsub female

Connected the dsub to the serial port on the PC. (USB to serial adapter). Started putty and opened the port on 115200 baud. Press enter and the pylontech debug menu is opened. Quite impressive of all data you can read outl Everything from statistic, cycles, voltage on each single cell, alarm and event history. The pylontech enginners has made a good job and I'm happy they has left this debug info open. It will make it very easy to troubleshoot if/when a battery fails. Example of print-out:

Device address           0
EvenData Items  :       35
HistData Items  :      512
MiscData Items  :      128
Charge Cnt.     :        0
Discharge Cnt.  :     4954
Charge Times    :     3093
Status Cnt.     :     4953
Idle Times      :     4901
COC Times       :        0
DOC Times       :        0
COCA Times      :        0
DOCA Times      :        0
SC Times        :        0
.....printout shortened here.,,,
RV Times        :        0
Input OV Times  :        0
SOH Times       :       27
BMICERR Times   :        0
CYCLE Times     :       56
Pwr Percent     :       74
Pwr Coulomb(mAS): 132380712
Pwr PercentWatt :       73
Bat CoulWatt(mWH):  116859014
Dsg Cap(mAH)    :  2848357
SOH Percent     :      100
His.Chg Cap(WH) :   637783
His.Dsg Cap(WH) :   632016
Day Chg Cap(WH) :        0
Day Dsg Cap(WH) :     2730
Min.Chg Cap(WH) :        0
Min.Dsg Cap(WH) :     2730
Command completed successfully

As an example, the above info shows 74% battery remaining today,  I have charged them 637 kWh and discharged them 632. Number of cycles 56.
(There is a lot of commands to select between)

8 hours ago, perg67 said:

I finally found out! There is 8 pin RJ45 marked rs232 on the BMS sc0500a-100s

How did you find out, was it a matter of swapping different combinations or did someone assist you?

  • 3 years later...

I had trouble to connect as well and the details from @perg67 did help me to get a connection with Putty.

I have PylonTec SC0500A-100S with four H48050.

Following was used:
  - LogiLink AU0034 - USB 2.0-Adapter, USB-A  to DB9 (RS232), active Adapter with Chipset: FT232+SP213
    ==> https://www.amazon.de/dp/B00ECJEPKQ/ref=pe_27091401_487024491_TE_item
    The "FTDI" driver needs to be installed. Driver download:
      Note: my virus-scanner did warn about one of the older driver files: I have deleted those; you only need:
      AU0034\Driver\Windows\CDM v2.12.28 WHQL
  - RJ45 to RS232 Serial DB9 9-pin Adapter
    ==> https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0B67K84VZ/ref=pe_27091401_487024491_TE_item
    For this RJ45 connector I have used an RJ45 to RJ45 adapter and another standard CAT5-cable, since I did not want to cut the cable of the "RJ45 to RS232".
    The only wire that needs to be re-wired on the CAT5 cable with this adapter is:
    (BMS-side)   brown - white/blue   (PC-side)

Since the command line interface with Putty is limited and the "BatteryView" program did not connect, I have written a tool to run on Windows.

It can be downloaded from here:

==> http://www.mmbsystems.de/download/MMBBatViewer.zip

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