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Inverters connected to Parrallel settings

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Hi All,


I am a bit confused in setting up my two Axpert MKS 5kva/5kw Inverters (SOL-I-AX-5P). (Both running FW dsp_LC1_74.40e pf1)

I have successfully connected the two in parallel and want to change settings on it.

I used watchpower to configure the inverters, and how I understand it, I only need to change settings on the master inverter (MS/HS) and it will change the slave inverters with the same setup???????

So when I confirm on watchpower that all settings passed through on both inverters I see that all has updated accordingly. (Both is showing the same settings) 

But when I check on each individual inverter physically on the screen, only the "Setting 11 - Utility charging" stayed the same on the Slave inverter? (Master = 10Amp (My settings) and Slave =30A (Default Setting)) 

Seems that all setting changed except for this function and only show different on the screen of the inverter.

Do I need change it manually or leave it as is and it will continue charging on both inverter at 10A?


Also I get another weird light flashing on the charge light when It is fully charged and in a floating state.

This light flashes constantly and very fast (Not the normal charge or in use flashing), also you can see the battery icon dropping bars on the one inverter and then on the other.

Any reason for this should I be concerned?


Thank you

12 hours ago, Roland said:

I used watchpower to configure the inverters, and how I understand it, I only need to change settings on the master inverter (MS/HS) and it will change the slave inverters with the same setup???????

That applies to most, but not all settings. Some settings remain individual to one inverter.

12 hours ago, Roland said:

So when I confirm on watchpower that all settings passed through on both inverters I see that all has updated accordingly. (Both is showing the same settings) 

But when I check on each individual inverter physically on the screen, only the "Setting 11 - Utility charging" stayed the same on the Slave inverter? (Master = 10Amp (My settings) and Slave =30A (Default Setting)) 

The two charge current limits (total and utility) are such exceptions. So this is expected.

12 hours ago, Roland said:

Do I need change it manually or leave it as is and it will continue charging on both inverter at 10A?

No, you can have different charge settings on different inverters. This is handy when you need say 110 A max charging current; you can set 50 A on one, and 60 A on the other. You would choose the one wit the best PV to be the one with the 60 A limit. Same goes for AC maximum charge current.

I believe that you can change the setting with Watchpower (I don't use it myself). You should be able to click on the different serial numbers in the left most pane; that will allow you to be "monitoring" that particular machine. Changing setting 11 will then affect that machine only (I hope).

You could also change it on the LC Display for that machine if that's more convenient for some reason.

12 hours ago, Roland said:

Also I get another weird light flashing on the charge light when It is fully charged and in a floating state.

I was watching a video of a machine with erratic PV production, and I noticed that the charge LED was flashing quite quickly as well. As soon as he turned off the loads (it seems that this problem happens mainly when the loads almost exactly balance PV production), his charge LED started flashing normally again. However, his is a model with a 450 V max SCC; these operate somewhat differently.

Nevertheless, do you notice PV production changing erratically?


Hi Coulomb,


excuse the late reply.

thank you for clearing this up for me.

regarding the pv production, I did notice that the production is never stable when there is load.

I am just concern about the state of charging when it is on float.

I also notice that the when it is on float the one inverter show 53.8v and other 54v? the inverter with the lower voltage is the one flashing constantly and very fast.

this happens on the one inverter and then on the other, so never on the same inverter.

at first I thought it was the battery connection but I did redo all cables and still the same.


could this be a fw bug that is causing this or internal components?

it did the same with the original fw and the new fw recently uploaded.


14 hours ago, Roland said:

I did notice that the production is never stable when there is load.

Ok, that sounds different, and more concerning, to what others are reporting. I have no idea what's going on there.

14 hours ago, Roland said:

when it is on float the one inverter show 53.8v and other 54v?

That's an 0.4% difference. My old PF0.8 models are worse than that (I must go and re-calibrate them one day). That causes one to charge at higher PV power than the other at times, but it's never unstable.

14 hours ago, Roland said:

the inverter with the lower voltage is the one flashing constantly and very fast.

this happens on the one inverter and then on the other, so never on the same inverter.

Are you saying that one will read the lower battery voltage and the instability, then later the other will show the lower voltage and instability?

14 hours ago, Roland said:

could this be a fw bug that is causing this or internal components?

The difference in battery readings is more likely to be hardware (internal components), but instability of PV charging as a result of this minor difference in battery readings sounds much more like firmware to me.

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