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Axpert King 5kw US3000 69 error

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Good morning all.

Started my journey this weekend, so very new to the scene.


So by the subject, I need advice.. I have the Mercer Axpert King 5kw

U1 71.90

U2 2.40


Pylontech US3000


Ive got the comm cable connected and working. (thanks to whoever posted the pinout)

So I get the 69 error. It switches between charging and error every 1-2 minutes. Can also hear the relay switching.

The battery also stays at approx 80% and 5/6 leds lit on soc.


So the way I understand there are some possible workarounds:

Raspberry pi with ICC software to better manage comms

Set battery as USE with correct voltages

Just leave and hope it stabalises (I know one person tried this and it sorted, but if I understand his battery was at 100 soc)

Update firmware.


Also, if anyone can say what will damage the battery and what to avoid? eg, keep at 80 soc for too long, short discharge charge cycles..


Anyone that had the same issue, what did you do?


Thank you

7 hours ago, wasabi said:

So I get the 69 error.

Just leave and hope it stab[i]lises (I know one person tried this and it sorted, but if I understand his battery was at 100 soc)

It sounds like your battery is going to take a few days to balance.

7 hours ago, wasabi said:

Update firmware.

I think that's a good idea. The latest software treats warning code 69 (it was always a warning) as the lowest level of warning, with just one beep (if I read the code correctly).

You can find 71.93 (and 71.92) main firmware, and 02.49 removable display firmware, in the files section of this forum.


Thank you both for the info.

Just an update. Ran on user defined battery with settings as suggested in another thread:

bulk charge: 52.5

float : 51.8


Ran this way for about 24 hours, then switched to "Pyl" and all seems to be fine now.


On 2020/09/08 at 6:48 AM, Bloubul7 said:

Also make sure that you are not using eco mode

Why do you say that? What would that cause?

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