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Axpert King - Solar Production

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Good Morning All,

I'm having issues with my Axpert King, the solar production drops about 500 watts during peak of the day as soon as my load drops.  I have played around with various settings and can't get the unit ignore the load and increase the battery charging rate (only charging at 30 amps max from PV).  See attached graph and setup below


  • Axpert King 5kva (Firmware 71.93, but experienced the same issue on previous versions)
  • 3x Pylontech US3000
  • 12x 335w Canadian Solar Panels (4S3P)


  • Solar Load Balance enabled
  • Inverter running in SBU mode
  • PV Charge current set to 110 amps
  • Battery Mode = Pylontech (tried USE as well, same issue)



Presentation1 (2).jpg

6 hours ago, Bloubul7 said:

solar production drops about 500 watts during peak of the day as soon as my load drops.

This is probably normal; I get this at home as well. It probably means that your battery voltage is such that full PV power can't be used; the battery voltage would exceed the absorb/CV battery voltage setting (setting 26).

Can you provide a graph with battery voltage as well as PV and load power?

For this reason, I sometimes try to keep some loads for when the battery is nearly full, so that I can get close to full PV utilisation (till I run out of loads). On cloudless days, it's nice to see those near-perfect half sine waves of PV production.

On 2020/09/07 at 3:28 PM, Coulomb said:

This is probably normal; I get this at home as well. It probably means that your battery voltage is such that full PV power can't be used; the battery voltage would exceed the absorb/CV battery voltage setting (setting 26).

Can you provide a graph with battery voltage as well as PV and load power?

For this reason, I sometimes try to keep some loads for when the battery is nearly full, so that I can get close to full PV utilisation (till I run out of loads). On cloudless days, it's nice to see those near-perfect half sine waves of PV production.


I have set up my home assistant server to log the voltages.  Will post the graph as soon as I have logged the required information.

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