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Multichannel battery cell monitor

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Has anyone used one of these multichannel battery monitors designed for the RC guys ??  https://www.goblinhobbies.co.za/digital-battery-capacity-checker-tester-cellmeter-8-lipo-battery-discharger-balancer-rc-servo-tester.html



Just wondering if you can keep then permanently wired in or do they draw current unequally from the cells ? Perhaps other issues when permanently on



Thanks for the info - do you need external balance loads to implement the balancing or is it an active balancer? 400ma x3.2V x 8 cells = 10 watts which will generate quite a lot of heat?  Do the displays stayon  all the time or do they "timeout " after a while


I guess its just the top cell that gets burnt off .  I have seen a video where the cell 8 can external drive a lamp load , not sure if they were discharging or balancing  


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