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Low Voltage Wiring of Premises “The Wiring Code” SANS 10142-1_Edition 3 Standard Launch Webinar Invitation

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Date:                 17 September 2020

Time:                  10:00 to 11:45

Venue:                 Microsoft Teams

Webinar link:     CLICK HERE TO ATTEND https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzI2NGJlZjUtMmY1NC00Njg0LThmYTEtNWZmZjM4NGUwYzI5%40thread.v2/0?context={"Tid"%3a"f32b4671-5e4e-4c38-9ef6-f741f23c136d"%2c"Oid"%3a"e27229d8-c314-4f27-bcfe-278d1f9bdb34"%2c"IsBroadcastMeeting"%3atrue}



 [email protected]

The Virtual launch of SANS 10142-1 - The wiring of premises Part 1: Low-voltage installations Standard


The Latest edition of the wiring code (SANS 10142-1), known as “The Wiring Code” addresses the gaps in the requirements that were not mentioned in the previous edition.


This vital standard is used in South Africa for all types of low voltage electrical installations.  The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993) (OHS Act), which is administered by the Chief Inspector of Occupational Health and Safety of the Department of Labour, requires that electrical installations comply with the requirements of SANS 10142-1. It also requires that an accredited person, as defined (master installation electrician, installation electrician or electrical tester for single phase), will issue a Certificate of Compliance for electrical installation in line with the requirements set out in SANS 10142-1.


The requirements addressed in this edition, include the addition of a table on minimum size and the maximum length of copper earth continuity conductors rated at phase conductor diameter; for general purpose circuit-breaker with the instantaneous tripping current. These conductors had very low values as compared to international norms.


Additional to this, the alignment of medical location requirements with international norms, clarification of tests reports for hazardous location, medical location, an electrical installation which has been divided into two test reports, and to modify lightning protection requirements and to introduce the test report for lightning protection.



Programme Director:Dr. S Bissoon - SABS





10:00 - 10:20           

Welcome and role of SABS in developing relevant  South African National standards in OHS

Dr. S Bissoon - SABS

Standards Executive

10:20 – 10:40

Why was the standard revised? and what are the most important changes that have been made?

SABS/TC 067/SC 06 Industry expert Andre van der Elst

10:40 – 11:00

South Africa’s legal requirements on the wiring code

Inspector Municipal inspector

Mark Palmer

11:00 – 11:20

South Africa’s regulation requirements on the wiring code

Department of labour representative

Pieter Laubscher DoL

11:20 - 11:35           

Panel discussion

All panellists

11:35 - 11:45           


Dr. S Bissoon - SABS

Standards Executive



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