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Hoymiles (/Ellies) RS485 grid meter vs Carlo Gavazzi

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The Hoymiles micro-inverter ecosystem includes the Hoymiles RS485 grid meter (eg. https://www.futurama.co.za/ellies-single-phase-hoymiles-consumption-meter-rs485/).  

I already have a CG ET112 grid meter as part of my Victron system however.  Are these meters operating on some sort of standard?  Can I expect the existing ET112 to be compatible with the Hoymiles microinverters?  I'm considering adding some Hoymiles based grid-tie PV on the input side of my Victron system, and part of what I need to figure out is how to prevent grid feedback.


  • 9 months later...

I got a Hoymiles 1500w off one of the forum members. He did a direct order to Hoymiles overseas. Working well. When I asked Ellie's they said they wanted to sell their existing stock before bringing in the bigger inverters.

  • 2 months later...

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