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Solarpower24 VM III 5Kw Firmware

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Hello, i am new in this forum, sorry for my english.

My plant: 2,3kWp ,18 NexPower NT-130AX (a-Si) stringed as 6S3P, 1 MPP Pip4048GE, 48V lead acid battery with 480Ah.

Our standart grid power here in Italy is 3,3Kw single phase, so i can use my plant for increase this to 4 -4,5Kw.

I have changed 2days ago my 5 jear old MPP-Solar PIP-4048GE with an Solarpower24 VM III 5Kw. Now i can use 5-5,5Kw withot problems.

On the next weeks was changed the panels to 16 320W mono modules with 5,1 kWp in the hope of getting full my battery. 

The VM III come with firmware U1 41.15 and U2 2.40. Totay i have updatet de firmwares to U1 91.20 and U2 2.60  without any problems! 

I will keep you up-to-date if the firmware works.


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