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How to set the DEYE Sun 5K to charge my batteries (already damaged the BMS on my Pylontech US5000)


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Enjoy the Sunday if you can....

As I just mentioned, I have managed to damage my largest battery, a Pylontech US5000, that cost me 300 € to replace the BMS...  : (

Of course I want to avoid this happening again; the rep and Pylontech in China told me I had overcharged the battery.

I have 6 x US3000C and the US5000, being the US5000 as per Pylontech's instructions the master battery, with the comm cable connected to the inverter.

I need the Deye to communicate with the battery bank and also know how to set the DEYE inverter so the maximum charge voltage is 53.5 V.

I also need to know what the max battery charge/discharge amps are for this battery bank.

And now for the most difficult questions to answer... 

I also have a Growatt SPF5000ES that at the moment is working fine, with the  the mentioned battery bank, being the only drawback that the discharge rate is so poor that it never delivers more than 700 watts to my home grid; if I connect the kettle, microwave or any other medium to high consumption device, the extra needed power is taken from the grid (Even when I have setting 001 to SOL and 014 to OSO) 1).- I wonder if I can set the Growatt to deliver more, having such a generous battery bank... 2).- Connecting the DEYE to the same battery bank would surely help when delivering battery power to my home (specially at night), but How to connect both dissimilar inverters to the same battery group and have both connected to the BMS via an Ethernet Gygabit Switch???

Maybe, if I can set the DEYE Sun 5K to handle the battery alone, with BMS communication, it would for a change be able to deliver more power from the battery back, but for that I need to know all the settings.

Best regards


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