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Everything posted by Sibo.Pro

  1. Hi Aantoine. The company that I bought the system from hooked me up with the CFE support guys from china who remotely analyzed the battery, ran couple of firmware updates and did not work, at the end they swapped my battery with a new one. I haven’t had an issue with the one they swapped with. The CFE support team is very active on WhatsApp, initiate a conversation with them and they should be able to assist: Leon: +86 152 9159 5360 Wendy: +86 173 4292 6780
  2. Hi guys. I’ve installed eight Longi Solar panels with a 456W rating, and I need two more to complete the available space. I’ve been searching in Gauteng for these panels, but it appears that most suppliers are either out of stock or don’t offer the 455W variants. If anyone knows where I can find these panels or a reputable brand with dimensions of 2094x1038x35mm that can be paired with my existing Longi panels, I would greatly appreciate the information.
  3. Hi guys, a quick one. So Shoto recommends 50A (0.5C) discharge current for their SDA10 481000 5.12KW Lithium-Ion battery. What is the worse that could happen to the battery other than discharging it a lot quicker if I were to change to 60A instead.
  4. Hi, I have the app but I don’t seem to understand the data, please see the images attached.
  5. Hi guys. to replicate the behavior I switched off Eskom and let the whole house run from the battery the whole night with base load of less than 1KW, when I woke up early morning just before the panels could start generating, the battery was at 48% and had tripped (not supplying the house). So this isn't an issue of overload, something is just not right. The battery can give me 3KW max Ever since I replicated this issue it has always been tripping between 48% and 50% during load shedding. Today the installer came to update the battery during load shedding, just before the update the battery was at 51%, after the update it was 100% (the installer told me that an expected behavior after updating it), then the installer left. 15 minutes later after boiling water, about 3 minutes after the kettle finished boiling the water it dropped to 1%, stopped feeding the load and I had to wait for it to start supplying again since it was only charging the battery from Solar which at the time the production was: 800w. At 10am, the grid comeback and took over to charge the battery and fed the house, an hour or two later the battery was at 49%, 4 to 5 minutes later it jumped straight to 100 percent, now its at 99%. Contacted the installer again to explain this, and I was told they will get back to me and I am still waiting
  6. Hi, I am starting to doubt the batteries is properly communicating with the inverter, I used to have issues just after the installation where the inverter will display no battery even when the battery is there, and sometimes cut the supply and resumes few seconds after. But after the inverter and battery firmware was updated, the system has been stable since then, last year November. now I just picked this problem, I tried to replicate it this morning, and the inverter tripped at 40% even though the settings are still the same, something is definitely not correct, the installer is also not sure of what exactly is the solution to this. With regards to the battery being too small, I agree the system is currently just running essential load which is not heavy, the plan it to add more batteries soon and then carry the whole house.
  7. Hi guys, please kindly assist, I am having solar system of 8KW DEYE Inverter, 8x 455 Panels and 1 x 5.12KW CFE Lithium battery. The battery settings are as follows: Shutdown: 20% Low Batt: 35% Restart: 50% Around 5am, the battery was sitting on 43% and the consumption was round 300w. Then around 7am we were up and busy preparing for work, ironing and stuff and the inverter stopped supplying the house. When I went to check the battery was on 1%. isn’t that it was supposed to stop supplying immediately when the battery got depleted below the 20% as per the settings?
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