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Growatt SPF 5000 ES Firmware "Send: Start!"

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Hi everyone,

I recently received the latest firmware (F2809_SK040.06_20220104_A.bin and F030_SK041.06_20220104_A.bin) and ISP tool 4.21 from Growatt support in China and tried to update the firmware but the ISP Tool keeps on sending "Send: Start!" endlessly and my inverter is not starting nor the firmware is being flashed.

I used to have the firmware version 040-05-701 and 041-05-701 but after the tool failed to start the inverter I can now see 008-00-316 and 041-05-701 and the inverter is not working.


Need some help please.



13 hours ago, zsde said:

Did you follow the precise instructions in this link?
Also, your inverter should be only on battery power when doing the flash. Solar disconnected and zero load.


Hi Zsde,

I tried all kinds of tricks there is out there.

Ended up talking back to the Growatt support and they recommended that I use ISP TOOL 4.3 which worked like a charm.

(if you need the tool, i've already attached it to my post on another forum - https://diysolarforum.com/threads/growatt-spf-5000es-firmware-update.35171/page-3#post-508910)

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