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Simple 12v Camping setup, Victron 100/20, which panel?

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Hi Guys

Completely new to solar and having a hard time with solar panel selection.


Equipment (This is exclusive to run a Waeco CF Fridge)...

Battery: Getting a Ritar RA12-100Ah tomorrow (Please advise if I should rather get something else)

Controller: Victron SmartSolar MPPT 100V/20A (Already have this)

Solar Panel: I do not know!


I really want to make full use of the 100V/20A controller, but the higher Wp panels all have a physical size of roughly 1650 x 990mm that does not play nice with my camping trailer.

1. What is the biggest Wp panel you get that have a form factor smaller than 1660 x 990mm?

2. If I buy two smaller panels, which panels do you think pack the biggest punch form factor wise?

3. Would like them to be mono if possible.

4. If you can advise on a retailer in the Cape Town area it would be great


Budget not too much of an issue, but seriously not going to pay top dollar for these fold-up solutions at 3 times the price per Wp. Unless you guys know something I don't


Thanks in advance.

TL:DR: Need to buy panels, want to utilize controller best as possible, form factor/physical size an issue. Prefer mono.


Edited by SolarScholar
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I built a foldup solar panel consisting of 2x 100W panels which work quite well for such a scenario. A friend took it to Botswana two years ago and they camped in the bush for 3 weeks. No eskom, no generator, nothing other than the solar panels and batteries. They had lights, radio, cell phone chargers and fridge/freezer on it and it worked like a bomb. The 20A Victron MPPT worked quite well in this case. To make life simple, I gave him a 15m solar cable so they could put the panels in the sun while camping under a tree. 

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