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Battery Bulk


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How often does the bulk process happen on the Axpert inveter ? And for how long?

What battery fuses are the best to be use on a 24 volt system, or circuit breaker 

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Thanks Jaco. If i look at my battery volts for the past 3 days, it does not look if its going to bulk stage

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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Yes i undertand you bulk absorb etc. Work. I want to know if the users with a Axpert inverters see when it is on bulking stage. I dont know if Jaco software locks the battery volt over 24 hours or 3 days. You should see it on a chart when the voltage go to bulk stage.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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Thanks viper. Thats what i wanted to know. Looks like about 3 hours on yours. Now i wonder why mine does not show. Can it because i only discharge about to 98%.?

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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Lol  Thanks Viper , i will discharge the batteries to about 80% and see if it does go in to bulk stage. The last few days the inverter was bypass at night 

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The software does log it to the database, I  just does not graph volts or SOC on the AICC side. I still wanted to add that to the Battery Tab.

But I do send the values to EmonCMS as Thys showed above.

watts.JPG  I just draw watts on the AICC side.

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