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Serial port settings for Voltronic/SRNE inverters


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I have two inverters, both Voltronic clones (perhaps original design by SRNE). One is an EASUN SMH-ii 7K, the other Y&H 4.2K (same as POWMR 4.2K). For some reason I can;t talk to them via serial RS232 (tried from multiple devices including a USB to rs232 adapter on a windows laptop). I tried 2400 baud (also modbus default in a python library I was using which was 19200) 8N1 settings and no flow control. RTU mode. I suspect these are incorrect settings. Does anyone have the correct ones? I searched online but I couldn't find much. I guess everyone just assumes everyone knows. Short of ripping the cables apart and oscilloscoping the signals I'm not sure how to find this info. I'd rather not destroy the cables so I decided to ask here.


Edit: I found the answer - 2400 baud, 8N1 for sure, also a crossover cable.

Edited by luk88
no need to ask
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I've managed to query data and write certain registers such as battery charging current limit but many registers accept a value, but do not change. I suspect a password has to be sent first. Does anyone know how to do it? What is the register number to send and value? I already tried register number e203 and value of 11111111 in binary. It responds with an error 130 😞


Does anyone know? 

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