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Inrush Current Control – Thermistor


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Hi guys,

I have a situation where one of the appliances (heat pump) has an inrush current load which causes the inverter to default to mains electricity. I gather that in order to manage this I need an NTC thermistor placed in series, which will then manage the inrush current. However, I am uncertain as to how to determine which thermistor I need and once I have it, how to properly connect it. Is anybody able to shed any light on the subject? Would be much appreciated.

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If you are able to run patched firmware, it might fix the problem (we have load compensation in the two main patched firmwares).

Otherwise, it would be tricky finding a suitable NTC, and a heat pump might require a very large one. It also may be possible to find an external device to soft start the heat pump.

Edited by Coulomb
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Thank you very much. The firmware on my inverters is 71.5 but unfortunately my inverters are not covered under that article as they are rated for 450 V DC. However, I have found suitable thermistors which are designed specifically as inrush current limiters, have ratings well more than capable of supporting the environment in which they will be used in my context, and which are designed to be fitted in the DB board between incoming and outgoing. It actually looks pretty simple to do. I hope…

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