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AC Wiring




I pulled neutral wires for wifi light switches awhile ago and did this like a drunk cowboy. I took the neutral from light socket (down light GU10 tails), broke open the pvc conduit and shoved the single wire (house wire) in there. 

Also fitted a surface mounted wall socket using 2.5mm² twin + E. 

I need to fix this and get my COC. 


1.) Can I fit a 3 way junction box where I broke the pvc conduit and make the connections in there using insulation tape or should it be some sort of joiner/connector ?

2.) Can I use flexible pvc conduit to protect the single wire between junction boxes or must this be proper/hard pvc conduit? 

3.) The T+E doesn't need to be in any trunking /conduit in the roof. What about from roof to socket? 



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