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  1. Hi Steggo, did you finalise your installation, I am also wanting to follow you and wetkit on your 3kw infini but linked to pre-paid.....




  2. Thank you Wetkit! Hoping my Infini inverter will also play nicely (with default settings) with my conlog prepaid metre once my installation done. *finger crossed*
  3. Thanks Wetkit Please keep us posted. As mentioned I got the Conlog BEC23 meter as well. So would be interesting to see if I will experience the same issue. Will add my input as well once I got mine and up and running. (Work in progress and hopefully not too long to go)
  4. Whew. least that the relief. Almost panicked and nearly considered selling the Infini Inverter Just an idea.. Perhaps a work around to use the "Grid Tie with Backup (IV)" option? I recall there was some scheduling to when you can charge your battery via AC? (find a suitable time slot outside of problem hours - 10:00 - 11:00 hours) - Not 100% certain as need to look at the software configuration again.
  5. Thanks for that input. Not ideal , but least it seems other users works with prepaid as there setup is different. Just a dumb question. If you enable "Grid and PV" in the evening, (where there no PV Load...) does the meter trip?
  6. Hi Wetkit... I got the same kit (Infini 3kw plus) and exact same prepaid meter as yours. Have not completed installation yet! (looking within the next 2-3 weeks time). so I cannot add any comment yet... Keep us posted on your progress.
  7. Hey Wetkit.. Thanks for "wetting" my morning and my coffee with Property value statement / news *arrgh* (rather mad at CoCT *again*..) I will act dumb and apply anyway.. who knows. Mike sold his unit... I have not ordered the Microcare yet but for now ... most going likely to head that way.. but going to have serious hard look at all the other options this week and order one.
  8. Think I have decided to go with the Microcare 3KW GTI (with Grid Tie Limiter option as I have prepaid) I know the Hybrid inverter is more the way to go.... 1) My original intent to get the cost down. (Wait a year and get hold of the CoCT to apply for the basic life line category - to provide more saving and pay less for Units (also maybe lucky to get extra 15 - 25KW free per month ) 2) No load output limitation like the Hybrid / Bi Directional / Off Grid 3) No 5KW Infini yet.. - But it likely be priced similiar to R30K should it be released. 4) Cost effective solution (Due to no batteries required) 5) Well aware if my grid is offline. My Grid Tie will stop functioning. But that okay, as I be looking at Rechargeable LEB bulbs... and Geco Light (researching this now) and other solar outdoor LED light solution as well and got gas / Blitz / Coal / Braai for cooking 6) Imeon too pricey. I did see an Goodwe Hybrid Inverter (but not considering as I suspect it will a little cheaper than Imeon) ... but I saw on other forum - there many issues / complaint with it. (fimware , support etc..) Anyway: Can alway sell my Microcare when newer / smart hybrid becomes available and (who know better pricing on Lion Lithium Battery - Dreaming...) Thanks to all the guy for their input and knowledge. Really appreciated it Regards, Steggo
  9. I love to go with Axpert 5KVA . but is equilavent to 4KW. Do not want to complicate setup with two Axpert Inverters. (just for an extra 1KW) Guess Im just cautious as their the overload support is 10sec.
  10. Hey Guys. Not sure if this if definite... but heard they not to going bring in the 5KW Infini to SA Market. That the email / answer I got from an importer / warehouse people this morning. Superdiy: Did you measure your Loadput ouput from your Grid? What your Peak load? I love the Infini inverter, but my peak load is from 4.2- 4.9kw for couple min, So it hesistant to go for it... (So Infini 3KW Plus - so busy / trying to figure a way to bring it down before I purchase the Infini 3K plus.) Hence for the 5KW Hybrid Inverter wait.. (I can parallel the two Axpert.... but not too keen on two inverters) I totally agree: Im against City of Cape Town: Net metering. R400.
  11. Darn.. I misread the spec Axpert of 5KW... ... Meaning it 5VKA = 4000W I suppose I could use the Overprotection feature... It will run the Bypass - Line mode to make up for it? Does anyone know if this Axpert is noisy in a room?
  12. Hi Willem No worries. I bought an Owl device and measured my home load output and done some stress (hair dryer , microwave and other appliance etc.. ) .. . So I am using the max power of 2.3Kw/h. however if I drill down to per minute, the maximum spike I have seen value 4.8KW I would love to go with the Inifini 3KW plus... but now it it seems Axpert 5K MKS is a better option from a load perspective. (support 5KW load output) (as it can also handle up to 10000KW Surge as well which is plenty for appliance startup) (also not planning to export excess energy due to City of Cape Town crappy net metering policy.. ) Infini 5KW is not available yet...*sigh* . and Imeon 3.6 sound ideal (support 6KW Load output) but not worth it from a cost perspective. Anyone with a objection or negative or tips I would be aware of for the Axpert product? Or possible other product I may has missed? Only thing I noticed 1) I cannot go series with PV panels with Axperts (needs to be parrallel / Series PV setup ) up so going to have purchase MC4 branch connectors etc... , unlike Infini PV it work in series. (Not a biggie..) and 2) Axpert it will need batteries..... Infini also require batteries in loadshedding / off grid mode.... (but it can function without Batteries in Grid Tie mode I suppose..) Mike: I know you mentioned something about specific derate the breaker perspective. Is that on the Load output side only? Regards, Steggo
  13. Hi Willem. Thanks for your input. Dont mind getting some interim cheap or second hand / loaned logger for initial load measuring... From the one Powertime website, I noticed the Current Cost envir NET going for R1700 (yikes!) and Owl wireless +usb radiant for about R799-R900 So not sure where the fraction of the cost kicks in unless the waterfront has an older model or something... If you dont mind me asking ... Where exactly in the waterfront is this place and what price can I expect for one?
  14. That is awesome Mike! Im sure these 5KW InfiniSolar is going to sell like hotcake once released (and hopefully reasonable priced Decision , decision... *sigh just a thought of quickly running three "high powered hair dryers" type at same time.. can kill the load quickly... 1 Best to get an Owl logging device. - check my main load. (plus run a a additional test or two) 2) If under or about close to 3KW , then I will seriously look at the Infini 3KW. but just thought now of a potential "Change Over" switch an Electrician can addon to the DB board for those "controlled" in case scenarios (like doing using high power tools / lawn mower/ hair dryer... as example --- when required ) (and ability to bypass Inverter should unit fail.). Then again manual intervention required here... Or wait and feel safe with 5KW infini inverter one time (catch.. unknown release date) ... (or go with the 5KW Axpert MKS now....as it readily and I dont plan to export anyway....) Enough blabbering
  15. Hi Slayer69. Thanks the input I have been reducing as much as I could. I came along way I use about 10-12 Units for the day time and about 3 to 4 Unit in the evening. (Still room for more improvements.. Before I decide on the inverter, think I will get an Electricity monitoring device like an Radiant and check (simulate) out the full load to make an informed decision. My gut telling me that the ave / typical load output I believe should be way under 3KVA .... but as I said, what if you have a crazy / outof the norm day ... (for example, Using a power tool, Iron on.. , hair dryer etc.. just happen run at a given moment. It makes no difference even you spec your setup perfectly. or extra room space for typical day.. so I will either go with the Infini 3KW or 5KW Axpert MKS inverter. Imeon 3.6 is out of my budget. But sound like I should be getting the 5KW Axpert MKS (to make room of extra load output for those odd days) Mike: Cool that you able to hit 4.3Kw load on your Infini 3K (Im assumming you using the PLUS model and wonder if the same can be said about the Standard 3KW Infini) . Sound like you inverter is a gem computer CPU that can be easily (and safely) overclocked and run just fine. But surely is with a high load, Im sure it should have restarted your inverter. Anyway thanks for input thus far. And enjoy your weekend
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