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Reading data from usb download on Axpert inverter

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Hello All

I hope this has not been posted somewhere else before and if it has feel free to point me to the topic.

I have downloaded a text file from my Axpert mks 4 and want to convert it onto a spread sheet. I can see what some of the columns represent i.e. day and month but not all of them are obvious. I have no issue converting it to a spread sheet but want to get the correct column names for labelling.

Does anyone have a crib sheet or some way to work out what each entry represents please. I just want to be able to look at what has been going on with it since it was installed and short of looking at a string of numbers separated by a comma I thought there must be an easier way to read the data.

I have added the file below if anyone has a guide or some advice I would be grateful for the help.06600135.TXT


Many thanks 




There is a topic on this, but I can't find it right now... here's a CSV file with all the headers in order.

Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Mode,PV Volts,PV Power,Grid V,Grid F,Out V,Load Power,Output Hz,Load %,Batt V,SOC



Hello Jumper

Many thanks for the reply and the link, I have been working my way through some of the data I downloaded and I had a guess at some of the headings prior to your reply.

I have a fault on my inverter at present and I have all of the data from my ownership as well as a load of additional columns that were before it was shipped to the UK.

Off hand do you know if there is a separate detail sheet for the additional columns or is it more likely this was manufacturing data that was then stopped at the point it was shipped? I have found some unusual numbers on the additional columns and was trying to get to the bottom of them too. In any event I am grateful for the reply and the link.




I've not pulled my data for a while, but I do remember there is a bunch of data at the top of the file every time that doesn't match which I chop out in a text editor before opening in excel. That data didn't get removed when I reset everything so I guess it's some manufacturing info of sorts, no idea what it means.


Hi Jumper

Many thanks for the reply, I will see if I can find out from Conversol the manufacturer or someone who works on their products to see exactly what the extra stuff means. Like you say it does not get removed when re set so it must be some kind of permanent manufacturers data for them to use with their software or similar.


Thanks anyway and regards


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