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Introducing older inverter for parallel Axpert setup


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Hi All

I have an older Axpert which I would like to parallel with a newer Axpert.  Both are the same model (SOL-I-AX-5M) however the newer one has a rated power of 5000VA/5000W and a rated current of 80A, while the older one has a rated power of 5000VA/4000W and a rated current of 60A. I suspect the firmware levels are different as well.

Is there an issue introducing the older one as a parallel inverter?


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10 hours ago, Gunners said:

I have an older Axpert which I would like to parallel with a newer Axpert.  Both are the same model (SOL-I-AX-5M) however the newer one has a rated power of 5000VA/5000W and a rated current of 80A, while the older one has a rated power of 5000VA/4000W and a rated current of 60A. I suspect the firmware levels are different as well.

It would be good to know the exact firmware versions that you have.

10 hours ago, Gunners said:

Is there an issue introducing the older one as a parallel inverter?

Yes, there are many issues.

If you're incredibly lucky and have 74.10 on the 5 kW model, then you should be able to run 72.70 in the older machine, and the two will parallel successfully, at least according to one report.

Otherwise, your best bet is to run either 73.00 in both, or perhaps 72.70 in both; then the 5 kW machine becomes a 4 kW machine, but at least you'd have 8 kW between the two.

The SCC current limits should be handled OK, but as a precaution I'd run patched firmware (e.g. 73.00e), which goes to some lengths to get this right. I'm not sure if the factory firmware does it correctly.

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Thanks Coulomb,

2 hours ago, Coulomb said:

If you're incredibly lucky and have 74.10 on the 5 kW model, then you should be able to run 72.70 in the older machine, and the two will parallel successfully, at least according to one report.

I have 74.30 installed on the newer one. See attachment, Will need to power up the older one to see firmware levels. Would your recommendation be to install 73.00e on both since I have 74.30 on the newer one?


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19 minutes ago, Gunners said:

Would your recommendation be to install 73.00e on both since I have 74.30 on the newer one?


Another possibility is to put 74.40e on both, but then when you exceed 8 kW, the old one is overloaded while the firmware thinks it's OK to keep going. That's risky, but you might consider it if you think you'll never get near 8 kW, but want the equalisation features that the 74.XX(e) firmware has, and 73.00(e) does not.

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