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Patching Axpert Max 3.6 with 7.2 Firmware

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Hi there!

Is it possible to safely patch the Axpert Max 3.6 with 7.2 Firmware that can be found here https://www.ostrovni-elektrarny.cz/?podpora ?

Is there a list fo changes for different Firmware versions?

I have a strange thing happening at the end of the charging cycle (reaching absorption voltage) and I was wondering if the firmware would fix the problem. 

Thank you in advance!

Posted (edited)
On 2021/02/16 at 12:53 AM, epromise said:

Is it possible to safely patch the Axpert Max 3.6 with 7.2 Firmware that can be found here https://www.ostrovni-elektrarny.cz/?podpora ?

No, you can't safely update a 3.6 kW model with 7.2 kW firmware. That's not is usually referred to as patching; patching is changing the behaviour of a program (firmware or software) by small changes, usually at the binary level, leaving the majority of the code untouched.

The Axpert MAX 7.2 90.xx firmwares are dual model, in the sense that they can run both 7.2 kW 230 V hardware, and 6.5 kW 120 V hardware. The hardware is detected at power-up by measuring the voltage on a DSP pin. When Axpert Max main firmware version 90.19 is running on 120 V hardware, it reports itself as version 45.19. The minor version numbers (after the dot) don't always agree like that. For example Axpert Max main firmware version 45.84 reports itself as 50.75 when running on 120 V hardware. 45.84 also does not support 3.6 kW hardware.

[ Edit: 91.19 → 90.19 ]

Edited by Coulomb
44 minutes ago, Coulomb said:

No, you can't safely update a 3.6 kW model with 7.2 kW firmware. That's not is usually referred to as patching; patching is changing the behaviour of a program (firmware or software) by small changes, usually at the binary level, leaving the majority of the code untouched.

Thank you for the clarification and for not leaving it stand, so that others might not get the wrong information because of my bad choice of words. 

So what you are saying is that the 7.2/6.5kW Firmware will run on 230V and 120V hardware but not on 3.6kW? Has anyone ever tried it, or where do you get the information.

I have not seen any "official" download sites for the firmware. Is there any way to get/download the newest Axpert Max 3.6kW model firmware?

Greetings to Brisbane from Vienna, Austria!

1 hour ago, epromise said:

So what you are saying is that the 7.2/6.5kW Firmware will run on 230V and 120V hardware but not on 3.6kW?


1 hour ago, epromise said:

Has anyone ever tried it,

I hope not.


or where do you get the information.

Let's just say that I'm handy with reverse engineering.


I have not seen any "official" download sites for the firmware. 

There used to be, and it was very convenient. Alas, the arrival of the clone makers made it much harder to get firmware updates. But sometimes you just need them, and if so, you have to ask your supplier. End users need not contact Voltronic Power directly.


Is there any way to get/download the newest Axpert Max 3.6kW model firmware?

You have to ask whoever sold you the inverter-charger. They in turn contact Voltronic Power if they deem it important enough. It can be a slow process.


Greetings to Brisbane from Vienna, Austria!

Greetings to Austria, from Australia 🙂

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Dirkie said:

What is the latest firmware for the Axpert max 7.2kw inverter and are there any patch version 

I would say the latest factory firmware update file available is 45.07, from back in April. I collected one with version number 45.84, but it's so far out from the other numbers that I suspect it's experimental. All the 90.XX versions are experimental, I've read.

I've not seen any firmware updates for MAX 8.0 kW models.

The latest factory firmware shipped with machines is presumably well later than 45.07.

There are no patched versions.

Edited by Coulomb
  • 5 weeks later...
On 2021/09/09 at 4:35 AM, Dirkie said:

Is it possible for the Axpert max to mix the solar and grid

If it had SUB output source priority, then yes, I believe so. This priorities utility over battery (hence the U before the B in SUB), so it would be suitable for times when you are expecting load shedding, wanting to keep the battery as full as possible, and battery capacity is otherwise not sufficient. 


What I mean by mixing is say I have two axpert 8k inverter in parallel and I am on sbu setting my load is 9kw and my pv can only bring in 7kw then the inverter wil take 3kw from the battery until the battery volts drops to what it is set in setting 12 then it wil go to grid. So if I am on sub setting and the load is 9kw and my pv bring in 7kw will the inverters take 3kw from grid or will it go into bypass and take all 9kw from the grid.

6 hours ago, Dirkie said:

So if I am on sub setting and the load is 9kw and my pv bring in 7kw will the inverters take 3kw from grid or...

Yes. In SUB output source priority, the missing 2 kW plus losses will be supplied from utility, and the rest from solar. That's my book understanding.

  • 1 year later...

Huh. This seems to be a generic "fix my serial number" tool. I didn't think  that they'd want that out in the wild, as I imagine that clone makers could use it to make their machines seem legitimate. And also to get the clone makers' customers out of the fault code 90 trap.

But I haven't looked at what it does.

I think your inverter has to be working well enough that it responds with a reasonable serial number when presented with the appropriate command. If the EEPROM is totally scrambled, then I'd suspect that this tool won't work.

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