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Axpert SML II 5 kW - Frequency problem 65 Hz

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1 hour ago, K2laci said:

If AC in loss then returns, the output frequency goes up to 65 Hz and stays there.

Looks weird. First try to get an independent frequency reading to confirm with a multi meter. I know, not many multi meters have that feature.

I wonder if the incoming grid power has that frequency deviation.

6 minutes ago, Beat said:

Looks weird. First try to get an independent frequency reading to confirm with a multi meter. I know, not many multi meters have that feature.

I wonder if the incoming grid power has that frequency deviation.


I have measured with several other instruments.

The AC in is always 50 Hz.

The output frequency is 63-65 Hz unfortunately.


3 minutes ago, K2laci said:

I have measured with several other instruments.

The AC in is always 50 Hz.

The output frequency is 63-65 Hz unfortunately.

I'm afraid there is a serious problem in the control circuit. Corrupted firmware?

18 minutes ago, Beat said:

I'm afraid there is a serious problem in the control circuit. Corrupted firmware?

I bought it a month ago, the original firmware is on it.

2 minutes ago, K2laci said:

I bought it a month ago, the original firmware is on it.

Then get it repaired in guarantee.


My guess is that this is a clone. There are a spate of Axpert VM II clones about at present. I don't know of any recently manufactured genuine Voltronic 5 kW model that has that "shield" type of display. As far as I know, no genuine VM II models have been manufactured for at least 5 years, but I could be completely wrong about that.

Towards the end there I even saw the wind turbine icon come on briefly. But maybe that was part of restarting after its DSP crashed. Almost like they're overclocking a cheaper model of the TI DSP to save a little money or some such.

It's a sick puppy. Good luck with your warranty repair / replacement.

1 hour ago, Coulomb said:

Szerintem ez egy klón. Jelenleg rengeteg Axpert VM II klón létezik. Nem tudok olyan nemrégiben gyártott, eredeti Voltronic 5 kW-os modellről, amelyik ilyen "pajzsos" típusú kijelzővel rendelkezik. Tudomásom szerint legalább 5 éve nem gyártanak eredeti VM II-es modelleket, de ebben teljesen tévedhetek.

A vége felé még azt is láttam, hogy a szélturbina ikon rövid időre kigyullad. De lehet, hogy ez a DSP összeomlása utáni újraindítás része volt. Majdnem olyan, mintha túlhajtogatnák a TI DSP olcsóbb modelljét, hogy megspóroljanak egy kis pénzt, vagy valami hasonlót.

Ez egy beteg kiskutya. Sok sikert a garanciális javításhoz/cseréhez.

This is inverter. 

link : https://www.onellato.com/spd/HY-AXPERT-5032VMII/Axpert-HY-5032-VMII-5000W-48V-Hybrid-inverter-500V

I bought it here.




Can you post a picture of the label on the side, please? Preferably including the small manufacturing date sticker if present. 

You can blank out the right half of the serial number near the barcode if you wish. I'm curious to see how genuine it looks. 

On 2022. 04. 21. at 6:16, Coulomb said:

Tudnál feltenni egy képet az oldalsó címkéről? Lehetőleg tartalmazza a kis gyártási dátum matricát, ha van. 

Ha kívánja, a vonalkód melletti sorozatszám jobb felét törölheti. Kíváncsi vagyok mennyire néz ki eredeti. 

Of course.

Képernyőkép 2022-04-25 161905.png

Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, K2laci said:

Of course.

Heh. Your quotes of my English are coming out in Hungarian.

Thanks for the photo. Your inverter is definitely a clone: the label has a 15 digit barcode (should be 14; perhaps they counted too hastily when copying the label), the barcode is too narrow, the label is so cheap it wrinkles and seems to have yellowed, they misspell "Color" (the US spelling of "Colour"), and use the ¢ symbol instead of the Greek letter Φ ("phi" in English) to represent "phase". It also just doesn't "look right" in ways I can't describe in words. Also: "Rated current: 5000 W" (it should read "power" not "current").

That means that warranty repair or replacement is unlikely, though sometimes suppliers themselves are caught out, and might refund to avoid embarrassment. It also means that the quality of the parts used is totally unknown. Clones range from rubbish to quite decent; generally only time will tell, though you can sometimes make an assessment from an internal inspection. If the care and attention that they put into the label is any indication, things don't look good, I'm sorry to say. For your sakes, I hope to be proven wrong.

Please keep us updated with progress, good or bad.

Edited by Coulomb
  • 7 months later...

I have exactly the same issue with powmr hms-3k-24v. Output frequency is the settings is 50 Hz, while there is no load it keeps 50 Hz but if the load is on frequency does up to 64 Hz. Still looking for a solution and waiting answer from supports. 



So I did some investigation and have found a solution, I guess) One guy from another forum had exactly the same issue, and he realized that he made connections wrong and in result his inverter tried to charge itself. After analysis of my system I figured out that I did the same. So my advice is to check if your inverter's AC out does not connected to AC input. 

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