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How to convert RS485 to CANbus protocol in PACE BMS


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I have three pieces 16S50Ah, 16S100Ah and 16S200Ah PACE BMS. But all BMS are have only RS485A, RS485B and RS232 communication port. Not have any CAN port. I want to communicate this BMS with my inverter but the inverter does not support RS485 communication, only "CAN", and the communication protocol must be PYLON protocol.
Is this possible to change or modify the protocol system by upgrading firmware, or  RS485 to CANbus converter or any others solutions? 
Please help!!
Thanks in advance.
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A friend of mine built a battery with a JKBMS (older version, I believe version 11) and had the same problem. No CAN protocol.

I helped him to implement a simulated CAN message

Fetched the battery values over bluetooth and translated those into CAN bus messages (Using an ESP32 microcontroller)

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