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Wondering if there are any users of the SS 12Kw 3 Phase inverter on this forum.

If so how are you finding it? 

How many of these 3 phase inverters can be paralleled ? 

Assuming that only 2 of the 3 phase units can be paralleled (as thats what is shown on the youtube vid about these 12Kw 3 Phase inverters - if more could be paralleled one would think they would show that - but they dont - they only show the master and one slave unit) what are the total figures of what these 2 inverters can do when joined in parallel ? I dont see that info anywhere.

Maybe too early to see much about these inverters yet?


I think you find most people here are running solar for home and not so much for larger business installations, there are some, I'm sure, but in the minority, I'd imagine.

As for 3 phase power, not many homes have this these days. Here on some of the farms, they have 3 phase supply, but again, maybe one in 3 or so farms, have 3 phase.

The 12kW 3 phase inverter seems to be have the paralleling feature under development (page 15), if the document on Sunsynk.org's web pages is to be trusted. If you do need lots of 3 phase paralleled setup, 15 parallel by 3 phased, 5 times 5kW units per phase could be set up this way, that would be 150kW's worth, again, according to document on Sunsynk's web pages...

Posted (edited)

I see on the Deye page for the 12Kw 3 Ph inverter that it says

"Frequency droop control, Max.16pcs parallel"  

and this from the web page of a reseller of this Inverter in SA


  • Programmable charging and discharging schedule.
  • Both wind turbines and solar panels can be connected as DC input power.
  • Max. 16 units can be paralleled for higher system power.
  • Retrofitting of existing solar system to energy storage system.


So 16 in parallel it is - which is a huge amount of power. What happens if one of the inverters in the parallel group goes down (malfunctions) ?

Is it like Victron whereby if one Victron inverter in the parallel group goes down the whole system is down? I can understand that on the Victron setup as its 1 Victron Inverter for 1 phase - thus needing 3 x Victron inverters to make a 3 phase setup. If one of those Victron inverters goes down then its a phase out so it makes sense the whole system goes down. But its more then that though. If one had a Victron paralleled 3 phase system and one of the paralleled inverters in a phase goes down then the whole setup goes down - I dont know the reasons behind why this is so but to me it makes a paralleled Victron system a bit risky - the more inverters in a system the more to go wrong and it only takes one inverter in a paralleled 3 phase group to go down and the whole system is down.

However with the SunSynk Inverters, since each unit is a 3 phase inverter, if one out of say, a group of 3 paralleled inverters goes down, does the whole group go down as well or only the inverter that has malfunctioned goes down and the other two 3 Phase Inverters stay up ?

Edited by Delta9
  • 8 months later...

I would think it would continue working as long as it’s not the master. You would also need to look at the pv panel output (strings) - what inverter/s are they connected to.

I have a 3 phase and have bought a 2nd to put in parallel.

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