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hi folks

i know there must be a simple answer to this but i can't work it out
under icc v1.2.5  the program sees the inverter [inverter comms red/green flashes top right of dashboard] but there are no readings and under tab 'Threads Info' i get [see image please]
any assistance out there?
in Christ


i can send more images...



It says inverter not assigned. I am having a guess - have you selected an inverter in the settings section and a communications port and saved? ICC will not accept any input to these fields whilst it is running. So one has to stop ICC set the correct setup fields and save and then start the inverter. In Windows 10 you must run as an administrator.



thanks for replying @Chris Hobson,

i have requested a new key for the icc from @Manieas i had to reset my win10 after an idiotic regedit - basically the pc decided to ignore the cd drive and i wanted to ....

any case, bottom line is i sorted the problem. it was a cable 'obfuscation' from my side - i'd rather avoid going into it as ridicule will rear its ugly head...

i have the cable comms sorted between pc and axpert (watchpower is seeing the axpert) and i see as we 'speak' manie has sent me a new key - thanks @Manie!

i'll throw you guys a note if there is a hiccup!

in Christ


3 hours ago, gabriel said:

any case, bottom line is i sorted the problem. it was a cable 'obfuscation' from my side - i'd rather avoid going into it as ridicule will rear its ugly head...

Oh my Gabriel - fortunately you will remember the episode long after the forumites. The forumites will give you a good friendly ribbing but the moment will pass. We will however allow you the anonymity you require.:) 

Addition: Nice @Manie


although i must say that if anyone is confused as to how to connect pc with axpert over a distance i will be willing to tell them what NOT to do and thereby saving time, money, frustration and the eventual 'why didn't i think of that in the 1st place' realization.

now for the 1st of many more icc learning curve questions:

after having zoomed-in on a prt of the diagram, how do i zoom out again, see pic please

have a good one!



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