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    Bellville, Cape Town

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  1. Is it possible for someone to share a link for PBMS Tools 2.5?
  2. Hi everyone, I'm currently looking at these two batteries and trying to figure out which one to get. There is about a R4000 saving on the Averge compared to the Hubble with 700WH less storage. Other than looking at only the energy storage, they are both rated at 1C discharge, not that I plan to get anywhere close to that. I might be getting 2 batteries in anycase so that point is mute to me to some extend. What else should I be considering? Warranty looks similar, life expectancy more or less the same. Looking forward to your thoughts on both. Thanks
  3. Hi all, Searched for references on the forum, but could not find any. I'm a graduated electronic and electrical engineer but never bothered to register professionally with ECSA since I ended up working in telecoms and software development for the past 15 years but have applied my trade as a hobby over the years. I'm planning to do my own PV installation with Hybrid Inverter and Battery backup, have a sparky friend that will assist with install, testing and provide a CoC. I'm looking for someone that is ECSA registered that can assist in Bellville, Western Cape. I need to do the EG registration with CoCT and then the SSEG registration post commissioning. Is there perhaps someone ECSA on the forum in my area that can partner with me on this install? Thanks
  4. Just want to double check this. Not sure about what SANS says, but should each row in a DB have not have a master isolator? My understanding is it is fine splitting between rows, but not within a row. I would add a surface mount 2 or 3 row DB board on top of existing cavity. Can someone please correct me if this is wrong.
  5. Glad to hear it is possible, looking for someone like that in Cape Town/Bellville area.
  6. @Glenn have you managed to get this sorted? I’m also looking for someone to assist with a CoC and CoCT SSEG registration in Bellville/Cape Town.
  7. I would also appreciate if someone can provided an updated wiring diagram.
  8. Wanted to check, do you use the Vmp of Voc rating of the panels to calculate towards the startup mppt voltage?
  9. @Nexuss Thanks, if the two strings of 4 are NE and NW respectively, so not spot on N and E, is having all 8 on a single string another option?
  10. Hi there, Need to help to figure out of this will work. I'm planning to put up a Sunsynk 5kw Inverter and make use of both MPPT's. I have limited roof space, so can only fit 4 Panels North and then 4 Panels East. I'm looking at the getting JA 450W panels for my installation. I'm concerned about the MPPT start up voltage on the inverter, will 4 panels per MPPT work? Or should I try to fit 5 panels (might not be possible) or rather put everything on a single string? As for specifications, do I need to look at the Voc or Vmp figures on the panel data sheets as a start? The inverter looks like 150V per MPPT. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. @PaulF007 Just checking in, are you still happy with "The Sun Pays" unit? Did you get the low pressure one? Is the Low Pressure one still rated at 400KPA?
  12. @CarlT thanks, would be nice to get two additional busbar modules for the other two rows, one if definitively not enough.
  13. Thanks, seems you don't have any changeover switches? Therefor no way to bypass inverter and switch out its loads if needed.
  14. Hi all, I'm trying to find out what the impact would be on the MPPT and/or Inverter if you have partial shade sometime during the day on some of the solar array? Is the entire string's generation forfeited? The reason I am asking is that although I don't see big palm tree shade currently on my intended north facing roof, I'm sure there will be some at some time during the year. It it better to have multiple MPPT's to negate this if it is an issue? And perhaps add some east and west panels as well? Thanks
  15. Seem there is a bigger one as well VS418TF, but it's not available at EM. This attached PDF outlines the accessories, but I don't see the additional busbars being listed?? Golf Enclosures.pdf
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