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Emon CMS Axpert input


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I've looked through the Emon CMS documentation. Firstly, I'm not too impressed by how they process inputs tbh.

That said, the rest looks really good. The documentation on adding Inputs and Feeds, which you seem to need to in order to get graphing, etc. working, is very, very sparse.

I can't seem to figure out how you input data exactly. At first it seemed like a pull model which you have to code yourself in PHP (blegh). Thereafter I thought it would be possible to use a push model.

Point being, the documentation doesn't set the scene or explain what it is you are trying to do really (IMO)

Thoughts, opinions, ideas?

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Gnome, what I know, for we struggled as much to understand the logic. Turns out is is dead easy.

You send your data to the Emon system - the data appears here: https://emoncms.org/input/view

Once that is working, you can now go to https://emoncms.org/feed to then tell the site what data you want to use from the input.

Once feeds are setup, only then can you can start crafting the Dashboard / graphs by using the fields you setup under feeds.

Dashboard is here: https://emoncms.org/dashboard/list

@PaulF007 could maybe elaborate in more detail, as I am not yet comfortable to say more than the above.

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  • 3 months later...

@The Terrible Triplett, thanks for this information, but I am still clue less.


Once I have registered in emonscms and set up a site  I will get the API's on the "input" screen. I have no idea what to do / where to enter these values in ICC on the settings page.

obviously this is just step one for me. once data is copied contentiously to emoncms how do I create informative dashboards :-(

Any pointers to, maybe a cheat-sheet?


Sorry to bother, but my knowledge is still insufficient!

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@fritserasmus I am not at all clued up on setting up EMON. I get the data to the EMON nodes, then more clever people than me make it look really cool.

It is a steep learning curve from what I saw so we are crafting a standard SolWEB Emon Dashboard for all our users on our own Linux Emon server. Just was easier.

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Time to start cooling a few drinks! With the weather like it is, just leave them outside!!

First Part (ICC Settings)

To start, under ICC settings, make sure under the Emoncms and PV Output Settings table, the first line, insert "localhost/emoncms/" (without the quotes!)

Next, point your pc, connected on your local IP network, to your Pi's IP address, e.g.

Now you should get the Emoncms login screen. User is always ICC, and the password whatever you have change your pi's password.

I cant remember the exact location, but next you need to find the write API key, which is found as follows:

Click on the spanner sign to get a dropdown. Then goto "My Account". Edit your e-mail account etc. to suit. Now copy the "Write API" key.

Type this into the ICC settings page in the corresponding "Local Emoncms API Key" slot. 

Next make sure that you tick "Post Emoncms" button.

Finally hit the Save/OK buttons.

Second Part (Emoncms  Dashboard Creation)

This is the difficult and nicest part....once you get going...

Points browser to your.pi.ip.address/emoncms/dashboard/edit/, but once you've logged into emoncms, this is where you should be.

The screen should have a black line on the top, with two symbols on the left, (a start & a windows), and three to the right, (+, spanner & on/off button) (Will try and insert snapshots here later, once I'm home again. A toolbox will also appear on the right.

Hit the spanner button, and 4 fields appear (Input, Feeds, Dashboards & My Accounts.)

Click on the Input button, and the long list of items under Node 1 will appear. 

You need to add all the items that you want to use in your Dashboard. That could be most on them.

To add, you have to repeat this for each line.

Click on the spanner sign on the far right of the line you want to add.

A new page will open, then you press "Add", then the orange button "Changed, press to save" and then "Close"

Repeat untill you have added the ones you need, quite laborious!!!

Next you can check which ones you have loaded by looking at the" feeds" option (from spanner, 2nd option).

Third Part

Lastly, you can now start creating your dashboard. (Spanner, 3rd option)

Press "+add" icon.

Click the pencil icon(4th from right), and give you Dashboard a name that name sense like "My DB" To save hit the square symbol with the pencil on it. (2nd from right).

You will get a blank screen with the toolbox on the right.

Now the fun starts!!!

Click the button that looks like a dial. Select dial. A highlighted box will appear on the screen. Grab it by the middle small square to move it around (the square will become red when you can move it, else it will just create more boxes. to delete the extra boxes, click on the red trash button in the toolbox.

Next hit the spanner button. Configure elements page will open. Select the feed you want to display from the drop down. Note (Only the input you have added to you feeds will be displayed). If you can't find the parameter, go back to start and "add" it.

You can now give you dial some character, e.g Max value, scale etc. Usually, the Type is important, because it gives those nice stepped red-to green changes dials. "Save Changes"

To give a dial a title, click on "Abc" tab, select "heading-centre", and a block with work "Title" will appear. To change, click on spanner, and edit to "Your test" and save.

To save the Dashboard, you must click on the orange "Change, press to save button, at the bottom of the toolbox.

Once it goes to green "Saved", then click on the "Eye" symbol (top right of toolbox), and it will take you to the rendered Dashboard you have created.

to edit, just click on the settings icon(cogged wheel, top right), and repeat steps above to add more dials etc.

Enough for now. Feel free to experiment some more.

I have typed this up from memory, and will check it later for errors/omissions.

Enjoy, lekker once you get the hang of it. I used the trial and error method.

Next time I will explain how to create realtime logging of parameters. I like to log SOC, to see what my batteries are doing over a longer period.



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Hi all, 

Below is an example of longer term logging I've done. It uses 4 parameters. Load Watts, PV Watts, Inv. Temp & SOC. You can add any number of parameters. Not sure if there is a limit. I'll explain how to achieve this later.

One discovers very interesting facts when graphing different things.




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