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Can the smaller Axpert 3KVA be connect to a Rasppery PI using the USB-B comms port, there is no RJ45 Port on it.


What will I need to do this.

  • I have a Serial(Prolific chip) to USB.
  • RJ45 to Serial
  • USB-B(Printer Port) to UBS-A

Software: Watch Tower,PlayBack Design PD




10 minutes ago, Durbanguy said:

Can the smaller Axpert 3KVA be connect to a Rasppery PI using the USB-B comms port, there is no RJ45 Port on it.

You must be able to; I believe that they can still talk to WatchPower, so that's sending commands over a virtual serial port using that USB connection. Similarly the reflash tool works via USB. which has to send commands and hex data over a virtual serial port.

Sorry, I don't know the details.


Watchpower works with the normal USB-B(Printer) to USB-A, was getting confused as device manager doesnt show any new devices on windows 10.

Whats the defualt password.

On 2021/03/05 at 2:42 PM, Durbanguy said:

Watchpower works with the normal USB-B(Printer) to USB-A, was getting confused as device manager doesnt show any new devices on windows 10.

Whats the defualt password.


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