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ICC Software Data

Johan Conradie

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I added a Raspberry Pie to my solar system. System consists of 2 x 5KvA Axpert Inverters, batteries and a PV array. The Raspberry came with pre-installed ICC software. It was a simple plug and play. Extremely easy. Thanks you to https://centurionsolar.co.za/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo_eY3Ofc5gIV0ed3Ch3ElQQqEAAYASAAEgKPD_D_BwE for the easy setup. With a few tweaks, here and there, the software is monitoring the usage (consumption) and electricity generated by the PV array. I can control the inverters very accurately with the software. It is also useful when calculating where to spend money on, i.e. more PV’s or more batteries and so forth. I am new to Raspberry. My questions are: Does the software should create a data file on the raspberry? If so where? File name? Can it be exported and viewed on another windows machine?

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ICC software stores its data in a SQLite file.  You can use the Pi's "DB Browser for SQLite" to view the data:

  • Click on the Raspberry icon, then Accessories -> DB Browser for SQLite
  • Click Open Database, browse to the ICC directory and select the Solar.db file
  • Use the File  -> Export menu to save a backup copy of the database, or to export a single table at a time to a CSV file

it's always a good idea to stop the ICC app before making any changes to the database contents...

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9 hours ago, Johan Conradie said:

I added a Raspberry Pie to my solar system. System consists of 2 x 5KvA Axpert Inverters, batteries and a PV array. The Raspberry came with pre-installed ICC software. It was a simple plug and play. Extremely easy. Thanks you to https://centurionsolar.co.za/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIo_eY3Ofc5gIV0ed3Ch3ElQQqEAAYASAAEgKPD_D_BwE for the easy setup. With a few tweaks, here and there, the software is monitoring the usage (consumption) and electricity generated by the PV array. I can control the inverters very accurately with the software. It is also useful when calculating where to spend money on, i.e. more PV’s or more batteries and so forth. I am new to Raspberry. My questions are: Does the software should create a data file on the raspberry? If so where? File name? Can it be exported and viewed on another windows machine?


Your Pi should send the data to a server provided by Centurion solar, just ask them, the data is usually sent to Emoncms and you can use it with graphs, etc on you laptop or desktop pc or even on your tablet. Also maybe check, they should/could have send you an email with instructions.

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On 2019/12/30 at 9:17 AM, Johan Conradie said:

Does the software should create a data file on the raspberry? If so where?

Hi Johan. Beside this - you can just simply download the data (your data) straight from emoncms (csv format). your can do this from the comfort of any PC that has internet access. I find this a lot easier, than "fiddling" with the pi

happy data 😀 

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I still wonder a bit about this use of emoncms in the ICC universe. Emoncms is under the GNU Affero license, which means any changes made to the server side code must be made available to the public. That basically means only unmodified instances my be used for commercial purposes. Which I'm sure is the case... sometimes I just wonder.

(I don't particularly like the Affero license, btw, I generally prefer GPL-2 for things).

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Dear All, I have figured out how to access the data (CSV) from the internet server, with the help of CenturionSolar. I have to admit: All that data means absolutely nothing to me. I know where my abilities begins and end. The reason for the installation of the monitoring software was to get enough data to analyze and then ask for advice on what changes should be made and what should be added to the current configuration. The aim is to go off grid. Are there any interested people out there that can (or want to) read the data and give me an indication of the road ahead, please?

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Hi Johan - I hope you've come right?

Just a side note (most here probably know - perhaps you too) If you are using excel (other spreadsheets can do too) it would serve you well to learn how to filter and order data. This becomes really helpful in narrowing down pinpointing what you are looking for - not to mention saving you a time - good Luck!

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