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Lost in the jungle - can anyone help me with inverter selection PIP-5048MGX vs. Axpert VM III 5000-48, ...

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i'm searching for a propper inverter for home use. I read a lot about the Voltronic Power Invertes and OEMs. I know the research from @Coulomb, his Zoolist and post the avea froum

I'm planning to install 5kWp PV Array, use 16S LiFePo (280AH) battery storage. 

I thought PIP-5048MGX is a nice inverter, but no supplier in Germany. Also no sale no ali express. And I found this: PIP-5048GE/GK/MG/MGX inverters (with unsafe SCC)

Still I like so stick to a HV Inveter. My wichlist:

 - HV Inverter ~500VDC, to reduce cabel lose. Also I need some cabel to go from the roof into the basement
 - PV 5000Wp, better than 4000Wp - I'd like to sick with one inverter, also because of power consumtion of the inveter itself ~50W =>24h: 1.2kWh
 - Batteryless operation, if maintenance of the batterypack is nesseccary, i can still use solar power

Therefore I checked EASun, they seems to sell also voltronic power OEM or are these copies?

My alternative choice would be a Axpert VM III 5000-48 OEM. I found this supplier: primo vm iii pf1 5kw

They also have the Primo Axpert MKS III (PF1) 5K-48 5000 (seems like I PIP-5048MGX), but Voltronic Power don't have a MKS III on there website ;(

Well, and back too EASun:

-  iSolar SMV III 5K seems simliar to the Axpert VM III 5000, but only have 4000W PV (but I found picutres, here in the forum were this inverter can handle 5000W)

And finally there is the: ISolar-SMR-II-5,5 KW, does someone know the inverter, is there any voltronic power comparable?

Also I have a question about the parallel option:

- So far as I unterstood, it's only neccessary if I like to go to 3-phase or put more then 1 inverter on 1-phase. Is there any communication about battery charging?
- If I go for a Axpert VM III, can I use more then inverter, to charge/discharge into the same battery? 

U see a lot of questions. Would be great to get some light into te darkness.




Edited by Smarti84
added link too 5k firmware post

My opinion may be Based but I would recommend Sunsynk Instead of any Axpert Clone Better Warranty 5 years.. and you can parallel them up to 9 in three phase and 10 in single phase also they have High voltage duel Mppt and you can get about 30 to 35 Units production per day from them... Axpert is purely a load based inverter with a single MPPT ...

5 minutes ago, Boerseun said:

My opinion may be Based but I would recommend Sunsynk Instead of any Axpert Clone Better Warranty 5 years.. and you can parallel them up to 9 in three phase and 10 in single phase also they have High voltage duel Mppt and you can get about 30 to 35 Units production per day from them... Axpert is purely a load based inverter with a single MPPT ...

well sure, nice inverter. but I don't know about any reseller in europa? I can go for SMA / Fronius / Victron but it's more expensive. Even German companies sell the Voltronic Power Devices, but charge almost double the price: https://www.effekta.com/en/produkte/solar-power/ / https://www.steca.com/index.php?Sine_wave_inverter

9 hours ago, Kalahari Meerkat said:

Sunsynk and if that's not available the Deye unit (Sunsynk is Deye rebranded...) would get my vote... been running a 5kW Sunsynk since end June last year.

Well, I checke this inverters. really nice. SUN-5K-SG01LP1-EU would fit my needs. They are much more expensive. But if they are reliable...

On 2021/02/24 at 8:23 PM, Smarti84 said:

Therefore I checked EASun, they seems to sell also voltronic power OEM or are these copies?

According to my Do I Own a Clone post, it's not certain, but I'm 95% certain that they are genuine.

On 2021/02/24 at 8:23 PM, Smarti84 said:

They also have the Primo Axpert MKS III (PF1) 5K-48 5000 (seems like I PIP-5048MGX), but Voltronic Power don't have a MKS III on there website ;(

Voltronic Power are notorious for not updating their web pages with new models. The resellers (like MPPSolar) do update their pages, because they want to sell the product.

On 2021/02/24 at 8:23 PM, Smarti84 said:

Well, and back too EASun:

-  iSolar SMV III 5K seems simliar to the Axpert VM III 5000, but only have 4000W PV (but I found picutres, here in the forum were this inverter can handle 5000W)

None of the 5 kVA models can output 5 kW from the solar charger; they're all (these days) limited to 80 A (times ~50 V ≅ 4000 W). So the ISolar (assuming it's genuine) is the same thing as an Axpert VM III 5K-48.

On 2021/02/24 at 8:23 PM, Smarti84 said:

And finally there is the: ISolar-SMR-II-5,5 KW, does someone know the inverter, is there any voltronic power comparable?

Tricky. My guess is that it's an Inverex (or clone thereof). Inverex appear to be made by Voltronic Power, but have higher power ratings. Inverex (and possibly EASun) must have some special arrangement with VP.

On 2021/02/24 at 8:23 PM, Smarti84 said:

Also I have a question about the parallel option:

- So far as I unterstood, it's only neccessary if I like to go to 3-phase or put more then 1 inverter on 1-phase.



Is there any communication about battery charging?

When Axpert units are paralleled, there is a master/slave arrangement. One unit is voted to be the master, and all the others are slaves. The master controls all the charging, so yes, they communicate with each other about charging. Even so, each unit can have a different set of current limits (total and utility).


- If I go for a Axpert VM III, can I use more then inverter, to charge/discharge into the same battery? 

Yes, but you can NOT parallel the outputs (and there is no where to plug in a paralleling board, and no setting 28 to turn on parallel operation). So you have to either waste one DC-AC converter (inverter proper), or split the loads. Then you might have one overloaded when the other has plenty of capacity.

You could use a single VM III with an external MPPT to charge the battery. Then the chargers don't co-ordinate, which can lead to strange situations, but it can be managed. I did it myself for a couple of years, before I decided to get a second inverter and parallel them (with the proper paralleling boards and cables, of course).



Hello Coulomb,

I very appreciate your answer. You even got my typos right, should have read some questions serveral times 😉

5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

According to my Do I Own a Clone post, it's not certain, but I'm 95% certain that they are genuine.

THX, I found this a few weeks ago and couln't finde it any more.

5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

Voltronic Power are notorious for not updating their web pages with new models. The resellers (like MPPSolar) do update their pages, because they want to sell the product.

Ok, well I had a conversation with EASun on skype a few weeks ago. There download manual for the SMR II 5.5K on there website is not correct, i got a correct version now. So if anyone else is interessted.

5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

When Axpert units are paralleled, there is a master/slave arrangement. One unit is voted to be the master, and all the others are slaves. The master controls all the charging, so yes, they communicate with each other about charging. Even so, each unit can have a different set of current limits (total and utility).

Ok, so if I have 3 invertes in parallel, every charger can provied 80A (3x80A => 240), I can limit charging current to max. e.g. 150A?

5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

Yes, but you can NOT parallel the outputs (and there is no where to plug in a paralleling board, and no setting 28 to turn on parallel operation). So you have to either waste one DC-AC converter (inverter proper), or split the loads. Then you might have one overloaded when the other has plenty of capacity.

Ok, this what i ment. Parellel the Battery connections. But AC Loads have to be seperat. This means: BMS have to handle if I have too much current...


5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

You could use a single VM III with an external MPPT to charge the battery. Then the chargers don't co-ordinate, which can lead to strange situations, but it can be managed. I did it myself for a couple of years, before I decided to get a second inverter and parallel them (with the proper paralleling boards and cables, of course).

I read about this solution, right at the moment I should fine with one 4-5kW inverter, but maybe I'll go for a EV, then it would be nice if I have the option to extend. On the onter hand than it's may hard to finde a matching inverter to parallel....


5 hours ago, Coulomb said:

None of the 5 kVA models can output 5 kW from the solar charger; they're all (these days) limited to 80 A (times ~50 V ≅ 4000 W). So the ISolar (assuming it's genuine) is the same thing as an Axpert VM III 5K-48.

Ok, the SMR have 5500W PV Input.

Fact sheet says solar 100A. Manual Solar + AC 100A. In fact 80A odr 100A not the key feature for me.

More if this reseller is genuine: And now I found this in review of the product:

Product Code: ?9205?

Mnftdate in front?: 2010 => 2020-nov



It's not the same inverter, but from the same reseller:




On 2021/02/26 at 6:56 AM, Smarti84 said:

Ok, so if I have 3 invertes in parallel, every charger can provied 80A (3x80A => 240), I can limit charging current to max. e.g. 150A?

Yes. Set each one to 50 A, or to 40, 50, and 60 A if you want.


On 2021/02/26 at 6:56 AM, Smarti84 said:

maybe I'll go for a EV, then it would be nice if I have the option to extend. On the onter hand than it's may hard to finde a matching inverter to parallel....

It can be hard to find a machine to parallel later, that's true. If you're lucky, a similar model is still made, and you can get a firmware upgrade file from your supplier to update your old machine(s).

On 2021/02/26 at 6:56 AM, Smarti84 said:

Ok, the SMR have 5500W PV Input.

It's not clear to me whether the sticker is saying 5500 W input PV max, or output max.

On 2021/02/26 at 6:56 AM, Smarti84 said:

Fact sheet says solar 100A.

It sounds like it's about 5000 W output then (100 A @ 50 V). It looks like the latest Axpert MKS II firmware may allow this as well.

On 2021/02/26 at 6:56 AM, Smarti84 said:

More if this reseller is genuine:

That label doesn't look genuine. The barcode has too many digits, and the date code sticker looks wrong. Sorry, it's about 90% likely that it's a clone now.

On 2021/02/27 at 12:21 PM, Coulomb said:

That label doesn't look genuine. The barcode has too many digits, and the date code sticker looks wrong. Sorry, it's about 90% likely that it's a clone now.

Ok, Thank you.

I'll go with a MPP Solar inverter, they have EU Stock I ordered a MGX now.  Mybe net the best choice. We will see 🤔

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