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Firmware Axpert Max Twin 11K


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hi all,

I bought Axpert Max Twin 11K with the removable display.  the firmware is the following:

Main CPU version 78.04

secondary CPU Version 38.04

I must say that it is not very stable.  Can anyone tell me where to find a more updated and stable firmware?  
it seems incredible but on the Voltronic site there are no firmware to download!!!!

ps are two inverters connected in parallel.

Thanks in advance 

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5 hours ago, Maurizio69 said:

Main CPU version 78.04

This is one firmware series that I have no examples of, sorry. It seems that the Axpert Max 11 kW models with the removable display are called Axpert Max E 11 kW.

5 hours ago, Maurizio69 said:

it seems incredible but on the Voltronic site there are no firmware to download!!!!

They did, until the clone makers found it a convenient source to steal firmware from. Then Voltronic stopped publishing the firmwares. But the clone makers seem to find the firmwares anyway, but it's hard for customers who don't have the resources of a manufacturing company.

secondary CPU Version 38.04

There is a very minor update for the display (and BMS) firmware, but this is unlikely to affect stability.



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I just happen to have installed this 11k max E unit 3 days ago. 

U1 93.04

U2 144.01

Completely different stock firmware and numbers way off. Although, so far very stable other than the typical voltronic known bugs, which on this installation will not likely to be noticed. Unfortunately, i have no means to extract this firmware for the OP. 



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3 hours ago, mafiose13 said:

U1 93.04

U2 144.01

Completely different stock firmware and numbers way off.

Well, the 90.xx and 91.xx seem to be experimental versions, so you never know what they are, but maybe 93 is a real major version number.

44.03 display firmware has been seen with an Axpert VM III Twin, though those have also been seen with 25.06 and 19.16.

It's all very haphazard to me.

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9 ore fa, mafiose13 ha detto:

Mi è capitato di aver installato questa unità 11k max E 3 giorni fa.

U1 93,04

U2 144,01

Firmware e numeri di serie completamente diversi. Anche se, finora molto stabile a parte i tipici bug voltronici noti, che su questa installazione probabilmente non saranno notati. Sfortunatamente, non ho mezzi per estrarre questo firmware per l'OP.



it would be very interesting if you could download the firmware.  There are so many installations that would need it!  Sorry for the incompetence, but what are the known bugs of voltronic?  Thank you

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56 minutes ago, Maurizio69 said:

it would be very interesting if you could download the firmware.  There are so many installations that would need it!  Sorry for the incompetence, but what are the known bugs of voltronic?  Thank you

I wish i can, it's not an easy task i hear, unless there are some clear instructions/tutorials out there to walk me through it. 

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On 2023/03/02 at 7:49 AM, mafiose13 said:

I just happen to have installed this 11k max E unit 3 days ago. 

U1 93.04

U2 144.01

Completely different stock firmware and numbers way off. Although, so far very stable other than the typical voltronic known bugs, which on this installation will not likely to be noticed. Unfortunately, i have no means to extract this firmware for the OP. 



I have the same Axpert MAX E 11kW-48V Off-Grid Inverter which I bought in kit form from powerprovider.

Below is the image from Watchpower. 
Is that the firmware you are referring to. 

Over and above the firmware, I was wondering how your inverter was performing, mine has only been running for a month or so and all OK so far.
Glad I installed it in the garage, those fans can make a noise. 

I notice you have a LAN Cable plugged in to the slot that looks like a PC Screen and Keyboard. May I ask what you are using that port for in your setup. Mine is just WIFI to Watchpower.

Axpert MAX E 11kW-48V Off-Grid Inverter Firmware.jpg

Edited by BTTB
Added question re LAN Cable
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On 2023/03/03 at 12:55 AM, Maurizio69 said:

what are the known bugs of voltronic?

There are many, but the big ones are:

* Premature float bug(s): a single cloud can terminate the bulk charge stage and enter float stage after just 30 seconds or 10 minutes (depending on firmware version). Should not affect utility charging.

* MPPT performance: The Solar Charge Controllers in the high PV voltage models (which is most of them for the last 5 years) use a very simple "hill climbing" algorithm, so they often don't find the true maximum power point, and there is a bug that tends to drive the MPPT voltage down to 90 V or 120 V, reducing available solar charging power. On cloudy days, you can miss out on more than half the potential charge energy. Hence the various MPPT patches attempting to address this. The solar charging also performs poorly in shady / shadow conditions; hence the shade management patches.

* There are several thresholds in the firmware relating to battery voltage that make sense for lead acid batteries, but are completely unsuitable for LFP batteries (now the most common type). These unsuitable thresholds are largely overcome if the battery's BMS controls the inverter, either via a cable to the inverter's BMS port, or via monitoring software like ICC or Solar Assistant.

* The various control algorithms tend to overshoot badly, likely because they don't seem to do anything to mitigate integral wind-up (a well known problem with simple control algorithms).

* Early versions of new model firmware often seem to have various bugs related to when to charge from solar, what mode to be in, and so on. At least these bugs eventually get fixed.

* When there is leakage to earth from panels (e.g. when raining), this sometimes leads to excessive bus voltage, often leading to shut down due to fault code F08. I don't know if this is purely hardware, or firmware, or both. Some owners have to disconnect their panels at night as a result.

I'm sure that there are more; other readers feel free to add your most annoying bugs.

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25 minutes ago, Coulomb said:

Sunt multe, dar cele mari sunt:

* Eroare(e) de flotare prematură: un singur nor poate termina etapa de încărcare în bloc și poate intra în etapa de flotare după doar 30 de secunde sau 10 minute (în funcție de versiunea firmware). Nu ar trebui să afecteze încărcarea utilităților.

* Performanță MPPT: Controlerele de încărcare solară din modelele de înaltă tensiune PV (care este cea mai mare parte din ultimii 5 ani) folosesc un algoritm foarte simplu de „alpinism”, astfel încât adesea nu găsesc adevăratul punct de putere maximă și Există o eroare care tinde să reducă tensiunea MPPT la 90 V sau 120 V, reducând puterea de încărcare solară disponibilă. În zilele înnorate, puteți pierde mai mult de jumătate din energia potențială de încărcare. De aici diferitele patch-uri MPPT care încearcă să rezolve acest lucru. Încărcarea solară funcționează slab și în condiții de umbră/umbră; de unde plasturii de management al umbrei.

* Există mai multe praguri în firmware legate de tensiunea bateriei care au sens pentru bateriile cu plumb acid, dar sunt complet nepotrivite pentru bateriile LFP (acum cel mai comun tip).

* Diferiții algoritmi de control tind să depășească prost, probabil pentru că nu par să facă nimic pentru a atenua lichidarea integrală (o problemă bine cunoscută cu algoritmii simpli de control).

* Versiunile timpurii ale firmware-ului noului model par adesea să aibă diverse erori legate de momentul în care să se încarce de la solar, în ce mod să fie și așa mai departe. Cel puțin aceste erori sunt remediate în cele din urmă.

* Când există scurgeri la pământ de la panouri (de exemplu, când plouă), aceasta duce uneori la o tensiune excesivă a magistralei, ceea ce duce adesea la oprire din cauza codului de eroare F08. Nu știu dacă acesta este pur hardware, sau firmware, sau ambele. Ca urmare, unii proprietari trebuie să-și deconecteze panourile noaptea.

Sunt sigur că sunt mai multe; alți cititori nu ezitați să vă adauge cele mai enervante bug-uri.

What bug are there with LFO batteries? Do u mean about only with bms communication or all the batteries including diy lfp banks ?

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42 minutes ago, add1c7ed55 said:

Do u mean about only with bms communication or all the batteries including diy lfp banks ?

I've added "These unsuitable thresholds are largely overcome if the battery's BMS controls the inverter, either via a cable to the inverter's BMS port, or via monitoring software like ICC or Solar Assistant."

So the opposite really: if using BMS communication, these problems largely go away. It's mainly a problem for those that don't or can't use the BMS connection.

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38 minutes ago, Coulomb said:

Am adăugat „Aceste praguri nepotrivite sunt depășite în mare măsură dacă BMS-ul bateriei controlează invertorul, fie printr-un cablu către portul BMS al invertorului, fie printr-un software de monitorizare precum ICC sau Solar Assistant”.

Deci, chiar opusul: dacă utilizați comunicarea BMS, aceste probleme dispar în mare parte. Este în principal o problemă pentru cei care nu folosesc sau nu pot folosi conexiunea BMS

I saw that. How we can solve this bugs ?

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5 hours ago, BTTB said:

I notice you have a LAN Cable plugged in to the slot that looks like a PC Screen and Keyboard. May I ask what you are using that port for in your setup. Mine is just WIFI to Watchpower.

On this particular installation, the LAN goes to a dedicated pc with Watchtower software always on for continuous monitoring from a nearby shed to inside the house about 20m length cable. 

The wifi watchpower or other wifi apps are not live data ....they typically update every few minutes, as opposed to pc version. 

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8 hours ago, mafiose13 said:

the LAN goes to a dedicated pc

That's not a LAN port, it's not ethernet. It just uses an RJ-45 connector, like ethernet ports do. It's actually an RS-232 port with a non-standard connector. The supplied RJ-45 to D9 cable converts it to a standard 9-pin RS-232 connector.

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On 2023/03/04 at 3:57 AM, Coulomb said:

That's not a LAN port, it's not ethernet. It just uses an RJ-45 connector, like ethernet ports do. It's actually an RS-232 port with a non-standard connector. The supplied RJ-45 to D9 cable converts it to a standard 9-pin RS-232 connector.

No wonder why I can't get any internet connection from connecting to the inverter "LAN" 😆😆😆

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, sharkut said:

I regularly check Voltronic FTP

Good on you! Thanks for posting.

4 hours ago, sharkut said:

I don't have any other information other than It's for MAXE 11KW TWIN

Hmmm. I have 64.07 down as an Axpert Max II 11 kW Twin [ edit: no, it was down as a 1 not an E ]; maybe it's an E not a II. I'll be happier when I find a way to distinguish E and II firmware from the code. Assuming that there is actually a difference.

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16 minutes ago, Coulomb said:

Good on you! Thanks for posting.

Hmmm. I have 64.07 down as an Axpert Max II 11 kW Twin; maybe it's an E not a II. I'll be happier when I find a way to distinguish E and II firmware from the code. Assuming that there is actually a difference.

Yes it remain possible but in the same folder we have remote panel firmware and Axpert MAX II have no removable panel

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Just now, sharkut said:

Yes it remain possible but in the same folder we have remote panel firmware and Axpert MAX II have no removable panel

I don't have time to check right now, but I got the impression that they called the internal firmware for the Max IIs "remote panel firmware" out of habit.

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2 hours ago, Coulomb said:

Suspin. Întârzierea din nou; De fapt, l-am avut ca 1, dar aveam un folder E fără nimic în el.

Deci 64.07 și 64.08 sunt pentru Axpert Max E 11kW twin '2809.

Hi. Do u think its hard to modify the new oem firmware 72.66 for 8k inverter ? I mean the patch that u made for 92.05. cause all we have eprom error with 92.05 and 92.09 and it calculates with errors the measurements for production, load...etc. The oem72.66.didnt give eprom fault. Probably is stable but have that floating problem. thanks 

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18 hours ago, add1c7ed55 said:

Do u think its hard to modify the new oem firmware 72.66 for 8k inverter ?

I had a look at this tonight, and it's trickier than I thought. They have changed the logic a bit, seemingly to little effect, and some of it straight up looks wrong. My first reaction to such observations is that surely I'm misunderstanding something, and that's where I'm at, but I feel uneasy patching code that looks this wrong.

So sorry, it will have to wait for a bit more analysis.

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4 hours ago, Coulomb said:

M-am uitat la asta în seara asta și este mai complicat decât credeam. Au schimbat puțin logica, aparent cu un efect redus, iar unele dintre ele arată greșit. Prima mea reacție la astfel de observații este că cu siguranță am înțeles greșit ceva, și aici sunt, dar mă simt neliniştit în corecţia codului care arată atât de greşit.

Îmi pare rău, va trebui să aștepte un pic mai multă analiză.

Sure. When u will have time only.

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