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ICC Windows


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Hi All

Here is some picture for the windows version. I woul like to have some comment and what more to add, I will add more trends for the batteries etc.








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Just to get the ball rolling, one of the things I miss on ICC pi (having used AICC for Windows) is this really useful image on the Dashboard, which gives you everything you need to know at a glance. It is so easy to see all the information you need in a moment and it is a visually pleasing image. I understand that real estate issues on the pi may have made it impossible to include this. It is for that reason that I am thinking about using MQTT with the pi ICC because it has this image that allows you to quickly check the state of all basic components in a moment.

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1 hour ago, incagarcilaso said:

Just to get the ball rolling, one of the things I miss on ICC pi (having used AICC for Windows) is this really useful image on the Dashboard, which gives you everything you need to know at a glance.

Yes, that is for ICC on Pi.

This is ICC for Windows and has the Dashboard with the image. Well done @Manie, you did this in record time and it looks great. I am pleased to see that all the available outputs from the inverters and BMV are available with this new version for Windows and I assume also available in Emoncms. 

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@Manie this looks great. One spelling mistake on the BMV values page, middle column, third item from the bottom reads Batter Amps, I guess it should be Battery Amps. I also like the switch "Change to Battery" which I guess becomes "Change to Grid" if one is running off batteries. I am going to continue with the Pi for now as I just like the reliability of ethernet as opposed to a USB extender. Well done in record time though.

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Thanks a lot for the feedback, and the corrections. I also like the pi app which is running smoothly , just need to add more by the cluster etc. 

Yes it  becomes "Change to Grid" if one is running off batteries

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@incagarcilaso if you don't have MQTT Remote Dashboard, you really want to spend the few dollars. I have been using it since it became available and it really works a treat on a Windows 10 PC running 24/7 in my office. I even installed it using Wine on my main PC which runs Ubuntu Linux. Gives you all you want to know and with the free RealVNC viewer, the server for which is already installed on the Pi if you loaded the ICC-Pi image, you can control the Pi remotely from your desktop PC. So my recommendation is go for it.

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@Sidewinder watter voordeel sal dit inhou om ICC te programmeer vir Win IOT. Die Linux een werk mos uitstekend. Ek kan verstaan dat sommige mense dit makliker sal vind om die Windows ICC te installeer maar met die "image" vir Linux is dit werklik nie 'n moeilike taak om op die Pi te installeer nie. @Manie miskien moet jy dit op SD kaarte laai en verkoop sodat die wat werklik niks weet of wil weet nie dit net in die Pi kan installeer en dan wegspring. Ek is seker daar is nie 'n mens op aarde wie nie 'n SD kaart in die Pi kan indruk nie. Of miskien is ek tog verkeerd. Iemand mag dit dalk onderstebo inforseer soos die storie van die man wat gekla het dat sy rekenaar se "cup holder" (die CD dryf) se gat te klein is vir die koffiebeker.


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1 hour ago, ebrsa said:

@incagarcilaso if you don't have MQTT Remote Dashboard, you really want to spend the few dollars. I have been using it since it became available and it really works a treat on a Windows 10 PC running 24/7 in my office. I even installed it using Wine on my main PC which runs Ubuntu Linux. Gives you all you want to know and with the free RealVNC viewer, the server for which is already installed on the Pi if you loaded the ICC-Pi image, you can control the Pi remotely from your desktop PC. So my recommendation is go for it.

Yes, I imagine that with the Pi ICC the easiest way to just keep an eye on an installation is with MQTT because it is so "lite" to run. Just a little .exe that runs in Window but then if you need to drill into more detail or change any settings other than the time to solar or grid then you can VNC to the pi. That was my idea.

How does the license work for MQTT? Can you run it on more than one PC with a single license? That would certainly make things easier.

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35 minutes ago, incagarcilaso said:

How does the license work for MQTT? Can you run it on more than one PC with a single license? That would certainly make things easier.

No , You need a new Licence for it.

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Another of my profs said "To measure is to know" This is exactly what ICC achieves, and that's why I want to use it. The Windows version looks more complete (i.e. even more info). Hope the unix version follows suit. Poor Manie must have his hands full jumping between the two types and versions! Hats off!

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Can you check Battery Midpoint on Screen 4. Is it V or % being displayed.[emoji2]

Sent from my SM-G800F using

Which one there is 2

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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4 minutes ago, Leonhlubbe said:

I do not want to hijack your topic

It for all to post useful information !! It looks like a awesome board. Wonder what operating system can be loaded ? 

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